Apex Legends Fans Unsure if they Want Titanfall 3 or Titanfall DLC

In the wake of a Titanfall 2 update and Apex Legends patch notes easter egg, fans don’t know what they want from this universe.


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The Apex Legends and Titanfall communities have been energized over the last couple of days because Titanfall 2 just received its first multiplayer support update in years. Combined with an interesting easter egg found in the latest patch notes for Apex Legends, fans of both titles believe developer Respawn Entertainment is planning something.

While the biggest and most exciting surprising announcement to come out of this would be Titanfall 3, both communities are tempering their expectations. Even so, they can’t quite decide what they think would be the best and most reasonable outcome.

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Fans Can’t Decide if They Want Titanfall 3, a Titanfall Battle Royale, or Titanfall DLC for Apex Legends

One Respawn Entertainment fan recently put together a post on the main Games Subreddit outlining a few different things the developer has been doing and how they all align and point to a potential reveal in the future.

There are two main parts to this. First, Titanfall 2 has received a multiplayer update that makes it playable for the first time in years. Prior to that update, servers regularly disconnected players, and it was pretty much impossible to stay in a match. The game is also now on sale, drawing in more players, though this seems to happen with every Steam sale.

The second part of this conspiracy is the latest patch notes for Apex Legends. They contain a “Nessie Transmission” with 3 codes. Once decoded, those codes reveal the release dates for Titanfall 1, Titanfall 2, and Apex Legends.

The original poster then makes the jump that the anniversary of Titanfall 2, October 26, roughly coincides with the next season of Apex Legends starting on October 31, 2023. Due to this, they believe an announcement for something Titanfall-related is coming.

Fans are keeping their expectations low though, they’ve been here before. “I hope that this means there’s either another Titanfall game in production, or that we’re getting some kind of content drop for TF2, but I think that’s just the part of my brain that is desperate for more Titanfall, and I feel like being cynical and expecting nothing is probably the best play here.”

They’ve been discussing how Titanfall 3 would be great but how a battle royale Titanfall game would be terrible, even as a new mode in Apex Legends. “Because the only thing that makes human v titan combat bearable is the insane mobility of TF2. Without it you’re just being one shotted by a giant robot.”

Ultimately, fans have boiled this down to two main desires. They either want a new single player Titanfall game or DLC for Titanfall 2, or cosmetic DLC for Apex Legends. As far as players are concerned, the two worlds have no business colliding in any other way. “Even in the worst case where it’s a TF2 content drop for Apex, like.”