Will there be a Titanfall 3? Answered

Will the third entry in the series come anytime soon?

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Image by Respawn Entertainment

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Titanfall and its sequel, Titanfall 2, are known for their Pilot & Titan gameplay, which was a unique take on the FPS genre. Both games have been positively received and have a large community of players who enjoy the series. This has led to fans of Titanfall 2 wondering if there will be a release of Titanfall 3 in the future.

Titanfall 3 brings the promise of new Titans, new Pilot abilities, and more options to personalize your characters in multiplayer. There could even be another single player campaign just like Titanfall 2 had. The potential to bring new players in for an improved FPS experience is there, but will Titanfall 3 ever hit shelves?

Is Titanfall 3 going to be released soon?

As of current writing, there doesn’t seem to be any plans for Titanfall 3 to be released. A trilogy was initially planned out, but the idea never came to fruition. Respawn Entertainment and EA created Apex Legends instead, which proved to be a large success with players. The success of Apex Legends halted the development of any future Titanfall games.

Screenshot by Gamepur

The sales of Titanfall 2 were great upon its release, but it didn’t meet the sales expectations that EA had hoped for. While the release on Steam has helped the game achieve more popularity, more development efforts are going towards Apex Legends instead. Apex Legends has been generating more revenue and has been better at attracting players interested in the battle royale format.

The success of Apex Legends doesn’t mean that Titanfall 3 is never going to happen. It is possible that there haven’t been any announcements and the development team is working on the game. But it has been years since Titanfall 2 came out, and signs of a sequel would likely have manifested themselves if the game was going to be a possibility.

Never say never, and it’s possible to be proven wrong, but current signs don’t show much evidence towards the release of Titanfall 3. Even if there was going to be an announcement in the future, it would be a while before Titanfall 3 will be available to play. It would also have to compete against Apex Legends, which may not be the best financial decision.