How to successfully rob a bank in BitLife

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Before robbing a bank, there are several steps you can take to ensure your success and avoid ending up in jail. This guide will provide all the information you need to successfully rob a bank in BitLife.

Robbing a bank in BitLife is one of the many actions your character can undertake. While it’s not a noble act, it’s an effective way to earn some quick cash. However, there are significant risks involved with executing a heist. Let’s dive in.

How to complete a bank robbery in BitLife

Trying to successfully rob a bank in bitlife
Screenshot by Gamepur

In BitLife, to rob a bank, you must be 16 years old. Then, click Activities, choose Crime, and select Bank Robbery. It’s important to note there is a lot of random chance with robbing a bank. Before you do it, we recommend increasing your Karma to ensure things go your way and there’s less of a chance of bad things happening to your character. You can check your Karma by going to the Activities tab and choosing to Meditate under the Mind & Body option.

There will be multiple choices for you to sort out before you go through with the bank robbery. You will have the pick the bank you want to rob, the weapon you plan to use, the disguise your character will wear, and the type of getaway car you need to use to escape. The gun, disguise, and getaway car are essential to consider before attempting to rob a bank.

We recommend picking a lethal weapon that can defend your character, but it’s not too hefty. For example, players have had success with a machete, chainsaw, spiked mace, blowgun, golf club, pitchfork, and some even report using a toy gun. Having used that last one ourselves, we would not recommend it. We had the most success with a golf club.

The same goes for selecting your disguise. You want to use something that will protect your entire identity and make it difficult for the police to find you while attempting to escape. Reportedly, matching your weapon with your disguise will significantly increase your chances of pulling this off. So, if you see a ninja costume, try using ninja stars, and if you see a joker costume, look for a crowbar.

Finally, the escape vehicle should be something fast and efficient. Any car you use could be beneficial, although players have successfully utilized a train, a rideshare app, an electric scooter, and a hoverboard. This isn’t mandatory, but we attended a party to celebrate a successful night of crime.

Again, these options have a random chance of working or causing a problem in your bank robbery. You will want to mix and match these combinations to find your best results. Alternatively, when making a character you want to use to rob banks, make sure their particular skill is Crime. This will increase their success with anything crime-related in BitLife.

Failing a bank robbery in BitLife

Being caught after trying to rob a bank in Bitlife
Screenshot by Gamepur

If you fail to rob a bank in Bitlife, your character will be caught by the police. Once arrested, you will be presented with a few options: attempting to escape, bribing the police, flirting, or cooperating. Bribery can be an effective strategy if your character has sufficient funds. However, the more professional the police, the more money you’ll need to successfully bribe them.