Voices in the gaming industry call for action in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Many companies and individuals have been outspoken in their support of Ukraine.

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Much of the world was shocked and aghast following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine today, with many taking to social media to express support and share resources and information. Counted among those groups were several notable companies and individuals in the gaming industry, many of whom condemned Russia’s actions and expressed support for Ukraine.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 developer GSC Game World shared a message on the situation this morning, and many others have since followed suit. Ukrainian dev studio Frogwares, known for The Sinking City and numerous Sherlock Holmes games, called on followers to “force Putin to withdraw from our lands,” while GOG.com teamed up with This War of Mine developer 11bit Studios to condemn Russia and donate profits from sales of the game and its DLC to the Red Cross.

Meanwhile, the developers of action-adventure game The Serpent Rogue tweeted about the situation, including a somewhat understated comment that they “will not [be] able to answer or help you that much with the game atm.” Axios’ Stephen Totilo reported that Ubisoft, which has several studios in Ukraine, is “provid[ing] assistance and aid to all team members.”

Elsewhere, Bungie’s Pete Parsons and Ukraine developers Vostok Games shared Ukrainian flags in solidarity, while developer and consultant Rami Ismail condemned the Russian invasion and advocated patience in engaging with others using this as an opportunity to denounce Western aggression and military action.