Valorant Revelations cinematic points to Harbor and the team taking their talents to India

Looks like we’re heading to Asia.

Image via Riot Games

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Riot Games is teasing a new map for Valorant and the latest cinematic trailer may have revealed where players will be heading. The video showcases several locations but focuses on one specific area more than the others. Agents from all over the world end up meeting in India at the end of the trailer, pointing to that being the game’s next location.

The trailer shows four locations with their own individual coordinates, aside from one. It opens on Agent Harbor and his home of Western Ghats, India. He’s teamed up with Agent Astra. From there it moves to Istanbul, Turkey where Fade is seen sitting at a nightclub. The next area features an undisclosed location with Sage fighting robots and Omen sitting behind a computer screen. Then it zooms over to Seoul, South Korea, the home of Jett. She is hanging out with other Agents Killjoy and Raze.

The trailer jumps between each location revealing more about the Agent’s specific storylines. In the end, Agents Fade, Jett, Killjoy, Raze, and Sage all get a message sending them to takeout Alpha Agent Threats Harbor and Astra. Everyone meets up in India at what is presumed to be the next map in Valorant.

All the teases and this trailer put the focus on Harbor and Western Ghats, India. The final location is inside a structure with lotus flower designs. Plus, the fact that Harbor is from India really adds more to the theory. While Riot Games has yet to confirm if the new map is in India, all of the signs point to it being located there. Riot Games will reveal more on January 6, so we might get our confirmation soon.

The entire month of January is a big time for Valorant. Episode 6: Revelation is also set to start on January 10.