Timesplitters co-creator Steve Ellis joins THQ Nordic, new game coming

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A new game in the Timesplitters series may release with Steve Ellis, co-founder of the series’ original developer Free Radical Design (now Dambuster Studios) and franchise co-creator, joining THQ Nordic. He plans to help “plot the future course of the franchise.”

The series has a considerable cult. Following the release of the original trilogy of games, the series feature a first-person shooter in a classic arcade format for the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube consoles. The game’s stories encompassed time travel and an eclectic cast of characters. However, what made the Timesplitters series so special were the game’s multiplayer modes. They had an array of customization, along with challenge modes that included many fun scenarios, both single and multiplayer. They kept the action fresh with an enormous amount of replayability.

THQ Nordic acquired the rights to the franchise in 2018. This week confirmed that they were working on a new game following the news of new Metro and Saints Row titles declared through financial reports. However, the story of Ellis coming in to help the project adds renewed hope for the series to reach its original height, at least in terms of quality.

There have been rumors of a Timesplitters 4, or a potential HD remake for modern systems. But these went quiet after making the rounds last year. Timesplitters Rewind, the fanmade project that attempted to recreate the game in Crytech’s CryEngine, has received no real update from its developers in over 18 months.

For those who are unfamiliar with the series, the video below gives you an idea of what the game offers. For fans, this should whet the appetite for the future.