Total War Three Kingdoms Update Patch and New DLC Reign of Blood

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If like me you’ve only just managed to escape the perpetual “one more turn” cycle of Three Kingdoms, you’ll be happy to learn that you now have a few new reasons to return and conquer China again. Patch 1.1.0 went live yesterday, and it brings a wealth of adjustment, changes, and exploit fixes.

Alongside expected crash and bug fixes, we have an improved UI, smarter AI, and a general increase in character fertility. Expect more babies.

There are various other changes worth noting: hitpoint increases for multiple units, a slight nerf to cavalry, Lu Bu has upped his price, and perhaps, most importantly, “AI factions are less likely to vassalise additional factions if they already have a large number of vassals.” Hopefully, that means Yuan Shao won’t vassalise half of China by turn 10. Full patch notes can be found here.

From a Lacerated Sky

As well as the new patch, the first piece of post-launch DLC releases on June 27. Reign of Blood is a gory effects pack featuring “limb lops, beheadings and charred corpses in sadistic detail.” The trailer below certainly looks as brutal as it claims, I’m personally looking forward to seeing a headless Dong Zhuo. Reign of Blood goes on sale for £1.99, $2.99 and €2.99