PS5 reveal event is scheduled for early-mid June – report

In line with previous rumors.

PlayStation 5
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According to former Kotaku news editor Jason Schreier, a PS5 reveal event is slated to happen in early-mid June this year.

An early June rumor had already been shared several days ago, and the newest report is seemingly in line with that piece of information.

Schreier mentioned the event window in the latest Press Start podcast, without going into details of what could be showcased when it happens.

Anyway, he also made it clear Sony’s schedule could still change by the time the event gets announced, due to COVID-19 pandemic still being an issue on a global scale.

We’re still reporting regularly that games are being delayed, and on-site events are being canceled, so it only feels natural that such plans are still not definitive.

PlayStation has yet to disclose the design of its next-gen console, pricing, release date, and the launch lineup that will accompany it to the stores over the next couple of years.

With the release planned for the end of 2020, there’s a chance all these details could be discussed in the upcoming event at once.

Before the pandemic, Sony had already announced it would’ve skipped the E3 2020, which would have been kickstarted around the same days.

The platform owner has had a lackluster communication thus far as a consequence of COVID-19, and as part of that process, it revealed the PS5 controller DualSense with a blog post

Despite the hurdles deriving from the novel coronavirus, though, it doesn’t seem like production is being delayed as it is reportedly planned to start in June.