Hear Final Fantasy XVI’s epic rendition of the classic victory fanfare

Not a Final Fantasy title without it.

Image via PlayStation Youtube

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Final Fantasy XVI is pressing all the right buttons with fans so far. Square Enix just invited the media to a preview of the game in anticipation of its release this summer, and the general consensus is that this next installment is going to be absolutely fantastic. Most players love to see the series returning to its high fantasy roots, and Square Enix is going all in on providing epic nostalgic essentials from the long-running franchise. Final Fantasy XVI even has its own absolutely stunning rendition of the classic victory fanfare, and you definitely need to hear it.

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Footage from the demo shows the main character Clive engaged in combat with a variety of different enemies. None of them even come close to the showdown he has with Garuda, however. The boss battle is a visual feast, and defeating her lesser sisters gives fans their first taste of the Final Fantasy victory jingle.

As your ears can confirm, the simple theme is now an orchestrated masterpiece complete with resounding vocals to really hammer it home. The music of FFXVI is created by Final Fantasy XIV’s main composer and sound director, Masayoshi Soken. FFXIV has some amazing music, and it is not hard to see why Soken was given the task of delighting our ears for this installment as well.

Game director Naoki Yoshida has an absolutely immaculate eye (and ear) for what fans want to experience in a Final Fantasy title and hasn’t backed away from the challenge of creating an entirely new single-player experience while still overseeing the popular Final Fantasy XIV MMO at the same time.

Final Fantasy XVI launches on June 22 for PlayStation 5. The title is also supposedly coming to PC at some point, though no definitive answer is set. Players will definitely feel accomplished after emerging victorious from the action-heavy combat after hearing this epic version of the classic win music.