Apex Legends Patch Leaks New Heroes and Vehicles

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Respawn dropped patch 2.19.2019 for Apex Legends today and along with some fairly standard patch notes regarding crash issues and movement bugs, the patch came loaded with information dataminers gleefully sifted through to find some juicy bits for us to speculate over, including new legends, hoverbikes, and a ranked league play system.

Apex Legends New Heroes Teaser

New Legends

What we know so far is two new characters are named in audio files discovered by dataminers, potentially the same two characters teased in Apex Legends’ “Deep Dive” trailer from the game’s release on Feb. 4. The files seem to point toward abilities though it’s unclear if these are passive, tactical, or ultimate abilities. Of course, all of this could easily change before their official release.

Wattson – An ability named “Tesla” may point toward multiple electrical traps with stunning effects similar to the Arc Star.

Octane – Grifting a “Stim” ability from Titanfall 2 pilots, this could allow for a speed boost similar to Bangalore while simultaneously giving a burst heal to the player.


Movement across King’s Canyon is arguably not difficult, but getting from Swamps to Airbase might become easier as you and two passengers could hop on a Hoverbike and cruise.

RealApexLeaks has done significant digging on the Hoverbikes and discovered much of the code listed as “To Do”, meaning the bikes are not a finished asset with tasks like “spawn a limited number of bikes” still needing to be addressed, so I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing these in the near future.

Ranked “League” Play

Information is still developing in this area, but a huge list of assets pointing toward a “League” or ranked game mode has been discovered.

Unknown Names

Finally a list of names, unattributed to audio files or other data, has been unearthed. Whether these are future legends, weapons, or a mix of the two, remains to be seen.

– Crypto

– Husaria

– Jericho

– Nomad

– Prophet

– Rampart

– Rosie

– Skunner

As dataminers continue to dig up new information our picture of the future of Apex Legends will become more clear, but in the meantime be sure to go pick up the new Pathfinder skin which also dropped today after being discovered in the leaks.