Red Dead Redemption 2 Is 65 Hours Long, Main Story Script Is 2,000 Pages Long

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Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 is just a few weeks away from the launch (the worldwide release date is October 26). The hype surrounding the game is pretty massive and the marketing team at Rockstar Games is making sure that it doesn’t go down even a bit until October 26 arrives. One of the steps the marketing team has taken – letting select few journalists play the first few hours of the game and share their impressions on the internet for others to read. Harold Goldberg from “” was one of the select few media persons who was personally invited to the Manhattan office of Rockstar Games to play nearly 6 hours of Red Dead Redemption 2 from the beginning.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Is 65 Hours Long

Harold in his Red Dead Redemption 2 Impression article titled: “How the West Was Digitized The making of Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2” has shared his

You guys can read Harold’s Red Dead Redemption 2 impression article here, it is titled How the West Was Digitized: The making of Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2. Apart from sharing the details about how he felt about the game, Harold also revealed additional new information such as: How long the game is in terms of number of hours, whether the development team cut few missions and content from the final retail build of the game, If YES then how many hours of content were removed? and many more. We have listed all the interesting details from the article below, it’s worth a read:

How Long Is The Red Dead Redemption 2?

The game is around 65 hours long. There are no words from Harold on whether this 65 hours figure includes just the main missions or it is inclusive of main missions, side-missions, and everything else in the game.

“The acting for Red Dead Redemption 2’s story mode is now complete, but as release day approaches, five hours of the 65-hour game are dumped.” says Harold in his article.

The above line of text also confirms that Rockstar Games has cut about 5 hours of content and missions.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Script – How Many Pages Long?

The script for the Red Dead Redemption 2 main story is nearly 2000 pages (main story final script), and if you add all the additional dialog and side missions and then try to stack the pages then the pile would be 8 Feet High” (as estimated by Dan House).

The final script for Red Dead Redemption 2’s main story was about 2,000 pages. But if he were to include all the side missions and additional dialogue, and stack the pages, Dan estimates the pile “would be eight feet high.”

The final build of Red Dead Redemption 2 includes 300,000 animations and 500,000 lines of dialogue. Each NPC (non-playable characters in Red Dead Redemption 2) had around 80-page scripts, as revealed by Lazlow Jones, a former tech journalist who has been writing for Dan since Grand Theft Auto III.

When Development And Motion Capture Started For Red Dead Redemption 2?

The development work on Red Dead Redemption 2 was started in the year 2010. The motion and performance capture started in the year 2013. To bring such a massive script to life, 2,200 days of motion capture was performed with 1200 actors, 700 of which had lines. The music score recording was started in the year 2015.

From this, you guys can imagine why it took Rockstar Games around 8 years to make Red Dead Redemption 2.