Days Gone Delay Is Purely A Business Decision, Now Releasing By April 2019 – Insider

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Last week Sony announced that Sony Bend’s Day Gone, a brand new PlayStation exclusive IP, has been delayed from 2018 to 2019. The news came as a shocker to many PlayStation fans because Days Gone was one of those select few PlayStation 4 exclusive games that were confirmed to release in 2018. What exactly went wrong, did the development team at Sony Bend missed out on any of the Days Gone development milestones or it was purely a business move from Sony as they don’t want to have a direct competition of Days Gone with some of the big title releasing at the end part of 2018 like Red Dead Redemption 2?

Days Gone Delayed To Early 2019 - Sources

If details coming out from credible insider sources are to believe then delaying Days Gone to 2019 was purely a business move from Sony. The sources further added that the development team at Sony Bend didn’t miss any of their development milestones. One of the sources goes on to add that Sony Bend is well ahead of the milestones in relation to the Days Gone release date.

Dominik Bosnjak, Editor at AndroidHealine wrote on Twitter: “Days Gone delay said to be a purely business decision, several sources”. He further added that sources close to the development team are stating that the new release window for Days Gone is Sony’s 2019 Fiscal Year i.e. April 2019.

When asked by a fan on Twitter to reveal the source of his information, Dominik Bosnjak replied: “Sorry, can’t say. Haven’t really seen any related rumors on forums at all, the general amount of online interest in the game is surprisingly low given how it’s coming from the folks that made Syphon Filter.”

A fan then asked Dominik – whether Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding has anything to do with Days Gone release delay as Kojima promised some big surprises for 2018 or Sony just down want Days Gone to have a direct competition with Red Dead Redemption 2? To this Dominik: Red Dead Redemption 2 is indeed a massive factor. The hype surrounding the game is massive and no developer or publisher wants to have a direct competition it. The best option left for them is either to move the release of their games two to three weeks ahead of RDR2’s release or delay it in early 2019. Activision and Treyarch have announced that this year’s Call of Duty game, Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII will release on October 12. This is the very first time in over a decade that a Call of Duty game is releasing in October. The last CoD game that came out in October was Call of Duty 2.

This is a clear indication that Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to rule the all-important Holiday Season 2018. Days Gone is a brand new IP whereas Red Dead Redemption is an established franchise with fans across the globe – Days Gone stand no chance at all against Red Dead Redemption 2 and other games releasing during the all-important Holiday Season 2018. Additionally, Rockstar Games and Sony have signed a marketing deal for Red Dead Redemption 2 which they don’t want to spoil and rather go all out for it.

In short, Sony moving Day Gone in early 2019 is purely a business move. If I have to give my opinion on it then it’s the BEST MOVE that is going pay them handsomely. What are your thoughts? Share your opinion with us in the comment section below.