How do Holds work in Temtem? Answered

Hold on one moment.

Image via Crema

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Anyone can take one look at Temtem and make the obvious connection to the Pokémon inspiration here. That being said, it is not a complete copy. There are some new creative liberties taken in crafting Temtem. One of those comes in the form of Hold Techniques, which you will encounter right away from the beginning of the game. Here is an explanation of how Holds work in Temtem.

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What are Hold Techniques in Temtem?

Hold Techniques are attacks your Temtem has that need to be charged before they can be used. You can tell how close you are to being able to use it by the counter on the left side of the card. The wording will be grayed out if unavailable and not let you use it until it is ready. When it is ready, all counters and the wording will be lit up. Not all moves have Holds, but some can be up to three turns long.

Once you have a Hold Technique ready, you can use it once, and the counter will reset, making you wait that number of turns before you can use it again. It is a system that continuously refreshes and will be something you keep in mind in every battle you get into. Switching a Temtem into battle and the Cheer Up technique will use up one Hold turn.

Holds are in the game so you don’t spam your favorite technique in every battle. Looking at Pokémon, you can often get one decisive move that can quickly take out your enemies. In Temtem, you have to be a little more methodical with your battle approach. This also will have you pay attention much more to the attacks that your Temtem knows so that you aren’t going multiple rounds without being able to use your primary attacks.