Hear The Desert – Battlefield 1 Walkthrough Episode 2

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At the End of the Chapter 2 of Episode 2, Young Men’s Works we were very close to distract the Canavar to stop their attacks. In this walkthrough we will be showing you how to destroy all Ottoman Vehicles, clear the Village of Enemies and destroy the Armored Train – Canavar. So without any further ado, let’s begin with the last chapter of Nothing is Written.

Episode 2 - Hear The Desert

Hear The Desert Walkthrough

After taking down Tilkici, Zara informs Lawrence about the Canavar’s mission to destroy every possible enemy. So we decide to take on the mission to destroy the Canavar, a huge weaponized armored train.

Destroy all Ottoman Vehicles

Canavar is going to stop at the Village to take on water and that’s when we will strike. Your objective is to deal with any sentries and rig explosives on the track. So getting started with the Sniper guy above the water tank then focus on the 3 Vans patrolling the village. You need to grab the anti-tank grenades to take these vehicles down at once. If you want to sneak into the village then use the lures to distract the suspicious soldiers.

destroy ottoman vehicles

Clear the Village of Enemies

Once you are done dealing with the enemy vehicles, it’s time to clear the village so that we got ready to attack the Armored Train – Canavar. To do this, we recommend you to use the horse and the sword to make it quick and easy. You will encounter a Soldier with a machine gun so deal with him first before he takes your horse down.

village of enemies

Destroy the Armored Train

Now that the village is all captured and acquired by your team, get ready to attack the Armored Train. We recommend you to use the launchers and turrets to damage the train faster. The thing is you must only use two shots per Turrets as the Canavar will backfire with Artillery. So shoot and run towards the next launcher. Finally, make your way towards the roof of any building and start shooting the train until it blows up.

destroy armored train

Thus completing the last chapter of Episode 2. You can either continue to the next Episode 3 – Through Mud and Blood or check our Battlefield 1 Wiki to know more about the game walkthrough, collectibles and much more.