Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Feats for Gale in BG3

There are several Feats that Gale can learn in Baldur’s Gate 3, and these are some of our favorite choices for you to use.

Gale the wizard from Waterdeep in Baldur's Gate 3

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Primarily played as a Wizard, Gale’s Feats typically empower his magic. Heres what you need to know about the best Feats for Gale in Baldurs Gate 3.

Gale is one of the many companions you’ll encounter throughout your adventure in Baldurs Gate 3 party. Also known as the Wizard of Waterdeep, Gale is a powerful spellcaster with access to various useful spells. However, in order to unlock his full potential, you must know what Feats to choose for him.

What are Feats in BG3?

A feat symbolizes a character’s unique skill or proficiency, providing distinctive abilities that surpass the limitations of their class. In Baldur’s Gate 3, each feat offers a unique bonus to your character, ranging from new attack maneuvers and additional damage to new spells or simply enhanced Ability Scores.

The Best Feats for Gale in Baldur’s Gate 3

Selecting a feat for Gale in Baldur's Gate 3
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When you encounter Gale at the beginning of BG3, you can select him to remain a Wizard or swap out to a different class. For this guide, we will talk about Gale as a Wizard, capable of unleashing some of the best and most powerful spells on this side of Faerûn. We enjoyed having Gale in our party as a Wizard because our Monk was all about hitting things, and did not have a good Intelligence score.

When using Gale, it’s important to note that he will typically be behind your fighters, rarely at the front of an encounter. He will rely on his powerful Spells and Cantrips to do the most damage, making those your top priority when picking out the feats for Gale. These are some of the best Feats you should give Gale during your Baldurs Gate 3 playthrough.

Alert Feat BG3

War Caster provides an advantage on saving throws for Gale’s concentration spells. Although Gale doesn’t often fight up close, War Caster allows him to use Shocking Grasp for attacks of opportunity when needed. The primary benefit, however, is the consistent advantage on saving throws for concentration spells.

Elemental Adept Feat BG3

As a Wizard, Gale uses a variety of element-based spells whenever he’s fighting. You’ll want to pick your favorite one between Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder, and if Gale ever uses spells that deal elemental damage, he can never roll 1.

Plus, he’ll be resistant against that type of damage, which means he can walk across Fire and not take too much, or if he’s hit with a particularly nasty Lightning spell, he doesn’t take as much damage as another party member. It’s an excellent Feat for this spell-flinging Wizard.

Lucky Feat BG3

Lucky is never a bad feat to give any character in Baldurs Gate 3. With it, Gale will have 3 Luck Points that allow him to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls, reroll an Ability Check or Saving Throw, or force an enemy to reroll their Attack Roll. It’s a good, situational Feat that can be used nearly anywhere, in and out of combat.

Mage Initiate: Wizard Feat BG3

Use Mage Initiate: Wizard to give Gale 2 cantrips and a Level 1 Spell from the Wizard spell list. The Mage Initiate Feat has a variation for each spellcasting class in teh game. However, the Wizard is the only spellcasting class in Baldurs Gate 3 that uses Intelligence for spellcasting rolls. While you could give Gale a range of spells from the other classes, they wouldn’t be as effective as the extra Wizard spells you can add to his arsenal.

Tough Feat BG3

With this Feat, Gale will have 2 more hit points per level. Wizards are among the most fragile classes in BG3. Although 2 extra Hit Points might not seem like much, it means that Gale will have 20 extra hit points by the time he reaches level 10, which is more than enough to make him survive one more attack and prevent him from being knocked out too early during a combat encounter.

Spell Sniper Feat BG3

Spell Sniper is a valuable feat for spellcasters in Baldur’s Gate 3. It adds a Cantrip to Gale’s arsenal and reduces the roll needed for a critical hit by 1. This is especially powerful when combined with spells that hit multiple times, such as Scorching Ray.

War Caster Feat BG3

The War Caster feat gives Gale Advantage on Saving Throws to maintain Concentration on spells. It also allows him to cast Shocking Grasp as an opportunity attack. This feat is excellent for those who are exploring unconventional strategies, like a tanky Wizard build.

Gale casting wall of ice in Baldur's Gate 3
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Hopefully, these chosen Feats help your Gale soar to amazing heights and becomes a terror to your enemies as you face off against Raphael, the Elder Brain, Gortash, or Orin.

If you were to switch Gale to one of the other classes in Baldurs Gate 3, such as Fighter, Monk, Barbarian, Rogue, or anything else, these favored Feats might look differently. However, we believe Gale is best when he’s slinging spells from his book, and providing sage, Wizardly advice. While you can change a character’s class, you can’t change their race.

Need more advice? Check out Gamepur’s complete Baldur’s Gate 3 guide for battle strategies, story tips, and BG3 gameplay breakdowns.