Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE

Secrets await in AWE.

Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE
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Control’s AWE expansion wouldn’t be complete without some hidden locations to discover. Finding these secret areas are a way to earn Ability Points, get Service Weapon or personal mods, and unlock an achievement or trophy.

There are five hidden locations, even though you only need to find four to get the achievement or trophy. If you’re struggling to find them all, allow us to step in and help.

Abandoned Offices

Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE

The first secret location is found here. Find the signpost overhead that reads Filing and Processing, and head left when you reach it. There’s an office in front of you, so head inside and then look for a gray wall to your right. You will know it’s the correct one if there is a light on top of a filing cabinet.

Use your Push ability to break the wall down. After a couple of attempts, a giant hole will be made in the wall that uncovers a hidden area. Head inside to grab your rewards and nourish the plant for one of Ahti’s janitorial side missions.

Observation Deck

Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE

The next hidden location is in the Observation Deck room. You have to drop down an elevator shaft to make your way to Lower Access. Before you do, look left for another elevator shaft hidden behind some boxes. Drop down here to find another hidden area.

Lower Access

Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE

Head into the turntable room from the Lower Access Control Point. Drop down, and fend off any Hiss enemies that spawn. Once they’re dealt with, head inside a door labeled Bridge Operator. It has some Darkness on the floor, so you will know this is the right way to go.

This door leads into the Shifting Offices area. Instead of following the path, spin round and levitate at the top of the small flight of stairs. You will see a gold colored mod box, which will unlock this area’s hidden location.

Eagle Limited AWE

Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE

From the Eagle Limited AWE Entrance Control Point, head into another turntable room. Kill any Hiss enemies that spawn. Once you have, face the turntable so that the carriage on the tracks is on your right. If you haven’t dropped down yet, you will be facing the right direction.

Drop down and spin around to look at the wall behind you. Use your Push ability to break the wall. Head inside but, before you drop down, grab the light to your right. This passage is dark, so use the light to see where you’re going to get your rewards.

AWE Transit Bay

The last hidden location is found on the way to this Control Point. From the Eagle Limited AWE room, head down into the Shifted Passage. Avoid the Astral Spike by heading into the office up to your left.

Race through and drop down to evade it if it’s heading back towards you. Push down the wall right in front of you and head inside. Platform up the shifted landscape until you drop into a room with a mod box. You can turn on the radio in here for a special musical surprise, and bust down another wall to find another secret location that houses the clock puzzle.