How to complete the clock puzzle in Control AWE

Tick tock.

How to complete the clock puzzle in Control AWE
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The clock puzzle in Control AWE is an easy one to miss. You can only access it through one of the expansion’s hidden areas so, unless you explore the Investigations Sector thoroughly, you won’t even know that it’s there.

If you do locate it, you may wonder how you go about completing the puzzle. If you find the fifth hidden location, and break one of the walls in this area, you’ll unearth a secret room with a solitary clock on a plinth.

You can interact with the clock using the action button on your controller or mouse. This makes the clock’s hand quickly tick around its face. You can stop the hand at any point by tapping the action button, and start it again by tapping it again.

How to complete the clock puzzle in Control AWE

To complete the puzzle, you have to stop the hand at specific hours, and in a particular order. You will know if you are progressing correctly if you hear the clock chime, and feel a rumble on your controller if you use one. These are the numbers you need to stop the hand on: one, seven, seven, one, six, four, nine, and seven.

Once this code has been entered correctly, you will be transported to a Hiss version of the Investigation Sector’s starting area. Kill the Hiss that spawn, and then pull on the light switch that appears at the back of the room three times to enter the Oceanview Motel.

How to complete the clock puzzle in Control AWE

Head down the corridor to the end of the Motel floor, and grab the key from the back left room. Head back down the hallway, and you’ll be treated to a special Hotline message from Alan Wake. We won’t spoil it as it’s a cool Easter egg that relates to the 2010 Xbox 360 and PC game.

Once you have watched and listened to the message, open the door marked with the Board’s upside down triangle. Tug on the light switch three times again to return to the clock room.