YouTuber Desmond “Etika” Amofah Has Been Discovered Deceased

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It is with a heavy heart we write about the passing of Desmond “Etika” Amofah who has been reported missing for a little less than a week. He was 29.

His body was discovered by the New York Police Department, as they released this tweet from their official Twitter account hours ago.

The NYPD had been searching for Amofah for nearly a week following a video he posted on his secondary YouTube page, under the username TR1Iceman, where he disclosed he was battling extremely worrying suicidal thoughts. YouTube deleted the video shortly after it went up as the content of the video was directly against their guidelines. Etika removed his Facebook page, preventing people from reaching out to him, but his Twitter and Instagram profiles remained up.

On Saturday, police found many of Amofah’s items. These items included his wallet, Nintendo Switch, his cell phone, and a bag full of spare clothing. He still had not been found at that time, but shortly after locating these items, the police began to search the nearby waters.

Fans of Amofah are aware of how much the young man struggled with mental health issues for many years. He was quite open about his battles and shared them with his viewers. However, roughly ten months ago in October 2018, things took a sour turn. Etika had blatantly posted a pornographic video on his YouTube. The company reacted accordingly and deactivated his YouTube, leaving Etika to comment “time to die.”

This remains a difficult time for Amofah’s family members, friends, and fans. Our hearts go out to those learning the terrible news of Amofah’s passing. For those who struggle with similar thoughts, contemplate suicide, battle depression, or feel there’s no one available for you, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. They’re available at all times of the day in the US. You can call them at 1-800-273-8255. Do not hesitate.

If you or someone you know is exhibiting warning signs of suicide, seek help from a professional and call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 in the US or Samaritans in the UK at 116 123.