PS5 Getting More Multiplayer Experiences, Says Sony

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In a recent conversation with Business Insider, SIE Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden has shared an interesting piece of information about what could be coming soon on PS5.

According to Layden, Sony would be interested in exploring multiplayer, as this generation has mainly focused on single-player experiences.

“I was referencing more with the things like GTA 5 Online, or you look at Call of Duty, or Fortnite, or any of those experiences,” he said.

“Worldwide Studios, like I say, we’ve been going really heavy into story-driven gaming. The power of the narrative.

Big, spectacular experiences. But not a whole lot in the multiplayer side of things, I think. That’s an area where you will likely see us start to make more noise in the new term.”

Quite honestly, I don’t feel the need to see Sony explore this genre of experiences, but it’s comprehensible that they want to have a wider portfolio of titles “in the new term.”

Layden also said that he is a fan of couch co-op gaming, so there could be a kind of comeback to local co-op experience which video games have been a bit lacking on lately.

Killzone could be one of the games that could be the recipe of this new multiplayer focus, same as SOCOM that’s been rumored to be making a return sooner than later.