Study shows average time people spend gaming increases with age

Recent studies challenge the stereotype that gamers are mostly young individuals who spend all their leisure time playing video games.

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This article is written in partnership with ExpressVPN

Recent studies challenge the stereotype that gamers are mostly young individuals who spend all their leisure time playing video games. According to a survey by ExpressVPN, the duration of a gaming session generally increases with age. The primary reason for this trend is that older individuals typically have more spare time to dedicate to gaming than their younger counterparts.

Teens & Young Adults can’t prioritize gaming

It has been found that teenagers and college students have more academic and social commitments, leaving them with less time to spend on gaming. At the same time, adults with full-time jobs often have more leisure time outside work, which they can use for hobbies like gaming. Furthermore, older gamers tend to become more engrossed in games, leading to a more profound engagement.

They spend more time exploring the game world, accomplishing quests, and leveling up their characters, causing their gaming sessions to last longer. Additionally, older individuals may have grown up playing classic games that they still enjoy, resulting in longer playtimes. They may also have developed a more sophisticated taste in games, seeking immersive experiences that require longer sessions.

The data from gaming platforms support the trend of increased gaming session duration with age. According to Steam, the average daily playtime for users aged 18-24 is 1.8 hours, while users aged 55-64 have an average daily playtime of 2.5 hours. Similarly, console gaming platforms like Xbox and PlayStation have reported an increase in average playtime with age.

Finally, gamers in the oldest age group surveyed (46 to 55) spent more than 24 hours playing video games in a single session. While some may still view gaming as a childish or immature activity, it is clear that it is becoming a mainstream form of entertainment for people of all ages and even a potential career path for some, such as professional gamers like Astra (Mayline-Joy Champliaud), who dedicate thousands of hours to perfecting their skills.