Unravel Two Review – Twice the Magical Yarn-Filled Fun

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Unravel was one of EA’s first indie games published in 2016 and brought something entirely new to the adventure puzzle market. Players took control of a magical figure, a Yarny, who uses its yarn to navigate the world from a perspective not seen before. With Unravel Two, Swedish studio Coldwood Interactive is doubling down on the successful formula; literally.

Double the Yarnys, Double the Fun

Unravel Two Review - Twice the Magical Yarn-Filled Fun
Fireproof • EA • Licensed by Owner

Unravel Two is designed to be a co-op experience from the ground up. While it is possible to play the game alone, we played it as it was intended; on the couch and with two players. One of my initial worries was that the jumping puzzles would be too challenging for my inexperienced playing partner. Fortunately, Coldwood has considered the possibility that players won’t all be of equal skill. To avoid arguments on the couch about mistimed jumps or other fails, players can choose to slow down time at any moment. There is no limitation to this slow mode and no punishment, though some achievements are based on clearance speed. That’s probably not a concern if you’re playing on the couch for fun.

Allowing players to control the speed of time will make it easier for the less platforming inclined players to navigate the environmental challenges thrown before you. Most are simple jumps but the further you progress, the more important the use of your Yarnys’ yarn becomes. Both creatures are connected to each other, which opens up an entirely new set of mechanics to solve puzzles. For example, one player can now stand atop a structure and act as an anchor for the second. This will allow you to swing and gain speed to traverse more considerable distances at just about any moment. It also provides for players to choose who takes a more active role in solving the problems in your path.

Could You Just Hold Me?

Unravel Two Review - Twice the Magical Yarn-Filled Fun
Rescuer • EA • Licensed by Owner

Perhaps one of the cutest features of Unravel Two is the ability to combine the two Yarnys into one. Whether you call it hopping on each others’ backs or merging, the Yarnys will weave their fabric together and become one for a moment of time. This allows players to navigate some challenges as one, or for one to take a momentary break. There are absolutely moments where you will have to work together, as individual Yarnys, but for some of the more difficult portions of Unravel Two, this feature is game-saving.

Most of the hazards you will face in Unravel Two are of the environmental type, such as cliffs to fall off of, or electrical outlets which will fry your Yarny. Occasionally some strange magical enemies will pursue you or merely offer obstacles for you to avoid. In some segments, you’ll even be chased by animals that have taken too much of an interest in your Yarny’s fabric make-up. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving after the encounter with that turkey I had. Avoiding death in these areas can require some fast-thinking hand-eye coordination that casual players may not possess. Combining the two Yarnys into one is also not always possible here, and some of these challenges can seem out of place with the rest of the adventure. Fortunately, they’re not very common and didn’t distract from the enjoyment too much.

Where’s the Content?

Unravel Two Review - Twice the Magical Yarn-Filled Fun
Bounce Back • EA • Licensed by Owner

If you’re looking for a proper explanation as to what your Yarnys are trying to accomplish, then you may struggle for answers. Most of the storytelling is done via fading images in the background of the screen, and while there certainly is an attempt at a story made, it’s not always obvious. For the most part, playing Unravel Two is more about the camaraderie experienced while solving puzzles together. There is a genuine feeling of joy when you’ve figured out how to get from point A to B by working together and creatively using your connected yarn.

After each level is completed, you return to a level hub from where you can choose to start the next level or replay to a previous one to improve your time or find more hidden items to collect. Collectibles take the form of sparks that are located in more difficult to reach areas of each level and unlock paintings on the wall of your level hub that help round out the story of Unravel Two. At least I think so. It’s not clear what the intent is of why you’re doing what you’re doing, but if you’re alright with just solving puzzles and progressing through a cute and well-rendered world, then you’ll be happy.

Worth the Price of Admission

Unravel Two Review - Twice the Magical Yarn-Filled Fun
Wrecked • EA • Licensed by Owner

Unravel Two is priced as an indie game and worth the cost if you’re looking for a fun-filled puzzler that you can enjoy with a friend. It’s beautifully created worlds and unique perspective complement environmental puzzles that are a joy to solve. The two Yarnys abilities and cute antics will bring a smile to your face each time they high-five or hug each other after crossing a deep crevice. If you don’t ask too many questions of the story, you’ll get several enjoyable hours out of Unravel Two, even more, if you’re interested in re-running through levels to improve your time or collect all the secrets.

In a time where not many puzzlers are entering the mainstream gaming market, Unravel Two stands atop a short list and is highly recommended.