The Last of Us: Part II gameplay footage debuts at Sony’s press conference | E3 2018

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It’s been nearly two years since The Last of Us: Part II was revealed at the PlayStation Experience in 2016, but tonight we got our first full-fledged look at the hugely-anticipated sequel from Naughty Dog.

Good things come to those who wait. And boy, oh boy, does this game look good. Sony unleashed the post-apocalyptic follow-up to the masterpiece original to kick off their E3 2018 press conference.

The footage began with Ellie hanging out at a dance in a church, living a somewhat normal life after the events of The Last of Us. After a kiss with a female cohort, we’re brought into a violent exchange between Ellie and an unknown party, and then the gameplay footage begins.

The visuals, as expected, are incredibly beautiful and photo-realistic as we have come to expect from Naughty Dog with games like the Uncharted series. Ellie begins to work her way around the post-apocalyptic environment, taking enemies out with a bow and arrow.

Ellie is spotted and forced to use her knife and other melee weapons to take on the enemies, who keep referring to Ellie as a “Wolf.” It’s classic Naughty Dog through and through, with a dark grittiness that The Last of Us is known for. It’s brutal from beginning to end.

The action cuts back to Ellie and the girl kissing in the church, and the footage comes to an end. No release date or window was given for the game.