PUBG Corp Confirms Downgraded Experience On Xbox One, It’ll Be Better Soon

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In an open letter to the community, the team working at PUBG on Xbox One has confirmed that performance on the console has downgraded over the course of the last few weeks and that things will get better soon.

According to the team, the “experience with certain aspects of PUBG’s performance, especially when it comes to building load-in near the beginning of the match” got particularly bad after the last couple patches dropped.

PUBG Dev Admits Downgrade Experience On Xbox One

“Essentially, this is due to a side effect caused by the game’s new prediction-based level streaming feature. Prediction-based level streaming was introduced to improve the system’s overall performance in order to facilitate more advanced and optimized map loading.”

“The new level streaming feature will be improved over the coming weeks, making it much better at prioritizing which areas to load in first as more data is accumulated,” anyway.

“It will change the priority of the loading process, which will improve loading of the area where the player decides to land. This issue has a higher chance of occurring in Miramar than Erangel, in part because Miramar has more buildings (in compact areas). The prediction logic is being tuned to work more efficiently in these situations in particular.

We’ve also removed the process of displaying half-loaded (Play-doh) buildings, as it used resources which slowed down the level streaming process.”

It will take “a couple of weeks,” based on what the team is looking into, and from then on “the rate of overall improvements will increase going forward. The team will also “continue working to improve stability and performance as our highest priority.”

How is it going for you on PUBG for Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below.