No Man’s Sky’s Biggest Update Is Coming Next Week

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No Man’s Sky developer Hello Games has been hard at work on the game since it launched. Originally hyped up as a defining experience of this generation, No Man’s Sky fell flat with many people who felt they had been misled. Hello Games largely shut down communication, with even their public face, Sean Murray, keeping pretty quiet on social media.

They were constantly working away, though, slowly but surely trying to bring it up to par with all the things people had been led to believe. The game’s biggest update so far is arriving on July 24, and it is called “NEXT”.

NEXT will finally see multiplayer support arrive in No Man’s Sky. Not a cheeky pretend “you are all in the same universe, that is what we meant” moment, but actual functional multiplayer. You will share the same space and exist on each other’s screen. It is, I would say, about time. The update will also bring unlimited base building and improved graphics.

No Man’s Sky has been an interesting example of the traps of the modern games industry for indie developers. Hello Games were a small team working on a small game that caught the eye of a big player. Once Sony came on board, all expectations seemed to shift, and suddenly it was supposed to be a standout game. It was also priced as such, coming in at a Triple A price tag.

I can’t say that I was overly impressed with the initial product, finding it a largely empty and ugly experience at the time. It has been improved upon over time, however. This NEXT update seeks to improve on it even more. Are you willing to give it another shot, or is there just no room for you in No Man’s Sky?