Borderlands 3 – The Only Reviews Will Be From American Sites

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Borderlands 3 is due to drop this Friday, Sept. 13, and you can start your pre-load about 48 hours before this. If you want to wait and read a few reviews of the game before you decide if you’re going to spend your hard earn cash on it, then you’re out of luck.

It’s been impossible for European sites to get their hands on a review code for Borderlands 3. We know first hand, and it seems that that the reason behind this is that 2K Games don’t seem to believe us anymore.

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Reviews – So What’s Gone Wrong?

According to the company, there have been some security problems ahead of launch. 2K is afraid that if they give out codes to anyone except the American press, then there’s a good chance that the game will leak and unauthorized copies will end up flooding the market. This is, of course, somewhat insane as there are measures in place to stop this from happening. Such as the people responsible for this kind of indiscretion not only losing their jobs but getting hit with the type of fine that would make a Premier League footballer wince.

So instead, they’ve decided that only a few select outlets in the States will receive advance copies of the game. This strategy doesn’t help if you want to see what others have to say before you buy Borderlands 3 as there is an embargo in place that means the reviews won’t see the light of day until the game is released.

If I were to be cynical, I would post it that the reason that they’re not letting anyone have a chance to get out a review before launch day is that the game is broken beyond belief. They don’t want any negative press ruining their sales, but as there hasn’t been a bad Borderlands to date, I very much doubt that’s the case.