Nintendo delays Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp in response to Ukraine invasion

You’re going to have to wait a bit longer to ship out.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp

Image via Nintendo

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It often feels like the world is a very different place than it was just a few weeks ago. Since Russia launched its most recent invasion of Ukraine, the response has been surprisingly consistent from nearly every government and corporation around the world. Gaming companies have been quick to condemn the action by Russia, with EA, Nintendo, and Epic Games all cutting off either some or all services to citizens of the nation.

Now it seems that Nintendo has chosen that now is not the right time to release a tactical war game. They have announced on Twitter that they are delaying the release of Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, which had been due to release on the Switch on 8 April. The decision to delay the game was made “in light of recent world events” according to the company’s numerous Twitter accounts.

The decision is somewhat surprising even in light of Nintendo’s decision to cut off access to their eShop to Russian citizens. This remake of the Game Boy Advanced games isn’t the most realistic war-based game on the market, with cartoony graphics and environments to contend with. While it is good to be sensitive to what is for millions of people a traumatic world event, this feels like a strange choice.

No new release date has been announced for the game, so fans will have to wait patiently to get stuck into it once again.