New Overwatch 2 hero Ramattra’s abilities and ultimate have been leaked

The tank that focuses on area denial.

Image via Blizzard

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Overwatch 2 has continued to build success since its launch, even scoring a nomination for Best Multiplayer Game in this year’s The Game Awards. Blizzard isn’t allowing that momentum to slow down as it prepares for Season 2, recently announcing a new tank hero named Ramattra will be arriving in December. While all we got from Blizzard is a reveal and origin video, an interesting leak shows off just what players can expect from this new tank when it arrives.

Twitter user @OverwatchNaeri has posted an image showing off Ramattra’s abilities. The names of the abilities are based on Korean, but the descriptions detail exactly how the omnic will play.

Ramattra has two forms that it can switch between for a small duration on a cooldown. Its abilities seem to focus on area denial, which is something that not a lot of current Overwatch 2 tanks have at their disposal.

In its default form, Ramattra’s primary fire will shoot out a projectile that can be turned into a barrier at its location by clicking the secondary fire. Ramattra’s first ability is launching nanospheres that explode when they hit the ground, creating a force field that will damage enemies that come into contact with it. It also pulls them to the ground, decreasing their movement speed while inside of the field. The default form has 450 HP.

Ramattra’s second ability transforms it into its Nemesis form for about 8 seconds. While in this form, Ramattra’s primary fire turns into a shock wave that can penetrate enemies in the front line. Its secondary fire turns Ramattra into a bulwark that reduces its movement speed but also provides reduced damage taken from the front. Passively, Ramattra gains 150 additional health while in this form, increasing its health to 600 while active.

Ramattra’s ultimate ability will automatically transform it into Nemesis form and create an energy zone around it. Enemies within this zone take damage over time. Ramattra can extend the duration of this ultimate by continuing to deal damage to enemies within the zone.

Ramattra is looking to be a unique character that will occupy a tanking niche not well-established by other characters. Its ability to get into an area and create a presence in that space to force enemies out while also providing cover for allies is likely to make it a popular pick.