Fans Drive Thousands of Miles for 20 Days for Apex Legends Global Series Split 2 Playoffs

Beginning in Shanghai, fans have driven almost ten thousand miles over roughly 20 days to attend the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs in London.

very apex car algs 2023 apex legends

Screenshot via ALGS YouTube channel

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Fans from around the world have traveled to see their favorite teams compete in the latest Apex Legends eSports event, the ALGS (Apex Legends Global Series) Split 2 Playoffs. While most fans have taken the easiest and fastest route from their homes to London, one group decided they’d drive the entire journey from Shanghai.

A handful of fans have taken dedication to their game to the next level. As showcased in the livestreams for the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs today, a group of fans has driven almost 10,000 miles over 20 days to get from Shanghai to London in time for the event to watch their favorite teams compete.

Related: Who is Winning the Apex Legends Global Series Split 2 Playoffs? Results & Current Standings

Fans Drive From Shanghai to London to Watch Competitive Apex Legends Live & In-Person

fan next to his apex legends car
Screenshot via ALGS YouTube channel

The ALGS Split 2 Playoffs began earlier this week on July 13, but 20 days prior to that, Wenjie Shi and their friends were driving across an entire continent from Shanghai to get to London in time for its start. They made the trip in a car adorned with Apex Legends graphics and the phrase “Very Apex” to let all those that saw them know that they love the game.

Along the way, the group was able to see sights in many amazing countries, aided by the fact that they didn’t rush the trip. According to online route planners, the road trip from Shanghai to London can be made in as few as 7,020 miles and 136 hours, which would take roughly 6 days.

In the broadcast segment during the official ALGS Split 2 Playoffs livestream shown above, Wenjie Shi explained that some of the highlights of the cross-country expedition included people chatting to them about what they were doing after recognizing the Apex Legends branding on the car. This happened in Kazakhstan with a group of kids who also played the game.

Shi added that in Finland, a border patrol officer recognized the graphics, sparking a conversation that was incredibly friendly and wholesome in a situation that can be quite stressful. Apparently, the officer wished the group good luck on their journey and sent them on their way with a smile, eagerly anticipating the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs themselves.

While marathon car journeys aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, this dedication and sense of fun from a small group of Apex Legends fans demonstrates the widespread appeal of the game. It shows how fans want to connect with other fans and discuss it in almost any capacity, and how big Apex Legends has grown as a video game and esport in such a short period of time worldwide.