Destruction AllStars has added bots to make up for low player count

Remember Destruction AllStars?

Every game mode in Destruction AllStars

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Do you remember Destruction AllStars? It was an exclusive PlayStation 5 title that tasks players with battling other racers online. Well apparently, not that many people do remember the game, since the developers are going to add bots to make up for the low player count.

Lucid Games, the developers behind Destruction AllStars, announced the decision on its Reddit page. It also stated that it will be included in one of the multiple updates that will come to the game “further down the road.”

The post detailed that there are certain times where the player count is bigger and certain times the player count is lower, the peak being around UTC 4 PM to 10 PM on weekdays and 2 PM to 1 AM on the weekends. Lucid Games would like for matches to be filled to capacity with real players. However, when there are a certain number of players missing from the match, bots will fill the role. It should be noted that the competitive mode Blitz will not include bots.

The posting also stated that a few other features will come to the game, such as Global Parties that will allow players to part up with friends, and queue into solo modes and team modes. A playlist update will come that will make finding your favorite game modes easier. Finally, there were several quality of life updates that have been critiqued to provide a more balanced experience.