Blizzard removes paid Sojourn Cyber Detective Skin from Overwatch 2 after glitch turns players invisible

Watch me disappear.

Image via Blizzard

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Overwatch 2 has seen its fair share of disappointed fans who were forced to migrate over from the original one. Since its release, Overwatch 2 has seen performance issues with maps like Junkertown, issues where heroes appeared locked when they shouldn’t be, and a whole list of different error messages resulting from various bugs. Among the latest issues the game is facing is a bug that causes Sojourn to fade away from existence while wearing the Cyber Detective Skin until she is completely invisible. Because of this, Blizzard has removed the skin from the game.

Overwatch Cavalry announced the missing skin a few days ago as more and more players began to notice that the skin went the way of a master criminal and disappeared from their inventory just as completely as it causes the character to vanish from view. Since this was a paid skin, it is completely understandable that players are a bit annoyed that Blizzard removed it without saying anything. Now there are multiple people on the forums regretting their purchase since there is no time frame as to when the skin will be made available again.

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This isn’t the first time that Overwatch 2 players have encountered an issue such as this. Back in December, a glitch was spreading around that showed an entire enemy team that turned invisible during a match. Needless to say, this made things very difficult for the opposing team since they were unable to see who they were fighting. Plenty of players have compared this event to the original Overwatch and how Blizzard would remove seasonal and event skins when the season or event wasn’t prevalent in the game. Hopefully, the skin returns soon or Blizzard will issue refunds to those who purchased it.