Apex Legends passes 50 million players milestone

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Apex Legends continues to impress, and the developers at Respawn set a new bar with announcing they have surpassed the 50 million player milestone. To celebrate this outstanding achievement, they crafted a video with several statistics, and feature a few remarkable moments posted by community members.

This instant-hit battle royale came out the first week of February to everyone’s surprise. Respawn did no marketing for the game, nor did they have any special announcements. They merely released it when the game was ready and made it free to play. There were a few hitches along the way, but, overall, things are looking for positive for this break-out title.

There are few big things Respawn still need to tackle: the game’s battle pass, and what they plan to do with their premium marketplace. For the first one, we should receive word about Apex Legends’ battle pass reasonably soon, as Respawn intends to unveil it sometime this March.

On the other hand, the premium marketplace is in a bit of a tight spot. Many active players have already noticed they need to make two purchases of Coin chests to buy one character or weapon skin. That’s $20 value, for one skin. The Apex Legends player community on Reddit have voiced their opinion about this, but Respawn has yet to address it. Hopefully, once they release the battle pass sometime this month, they tackle this and handle it reasonably.

For now, players with an Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or PC with an Origin Account can play the game for free.

You can check out the 50 million player milestone video below.