PlayStation Now Has 1 Million Subscribers Following Major Sony Push

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Over the last couple of months, Sony has pushed a lot on PlayStation Now, its streaming service, which is ramping up in preparation of the next generation of gaming and the next big thing in the industry, which is expected to be, indeed, streaming.

You might have heard that up until January 2020, subscribers can play massive triple-A games like Uncharted 4, God of War, Grand Theft Auto V, and inFamous Second Son both in streaming or download on their PlayStation 4. Also, the price of the subscription was reduced.

This is of course part of a strategy that will see PlayStation Now get bigger and bigger over the next few months, and it looks like the first results are already coming their way and rewarding the Japanese platform owner for their efforts.

At its latest conference call with investors and analysts, Sony has, in fact, confirmed that PlayStation Now has reached 1 million subscribers, up from the original 700,000 that were registered back in May of this year.

“Cloud gaming is set to play a role next-gen in changing how, when and where people can play games,” noted on Twitter analyst Daniel Ahmad, who is usually well informed about plans from PlayStation, and that’s a further confirmation of how much Sony believes in the technology.

PlayStation Plus has also reached 36,9 million subscribers at the end of September 2019, up 2.6 million from the 34.3 million subscribers on a YoY basis, despite the claims of the community about the smaller quantity of free games delivered through the service (now only two) per month.