Apex Legends Built By Core Respawn Team, Titanfall 3 Not In The Making

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In a recent interview, Respawn Entertainment has shared it is not working on Titanfall 3, mainly because the core dev team is working on Apex Legends.

Titanfall 3 has been believed to be in development for a while, but it doesn’t seem the case as the latest battle royale game is coming from the original developers of the series.

“This is the game being made by the Titanfall team, Apex Legends,” design director Mackey McCandlish told VG247.

“The Titanfall universe is continuing. It takes place in the Titanfall universe. This is the next game from the team that made Titanfall.

There is no other team that makes Titanfall. That doesn’t mean there never could be another team that makes Titanfall.”

Interestingly, the game’s been released as soon as it was revealed yesterday (CET), so this means it’s been in the making for a while.

You can play it for free on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and you can check cross-play opportunities for the game right here.

Apex Legends Built By Core Respawn Team, Titanfall 3 Not In The Making

Source: VG247