God of War (PS4) Dev Working On An Unannounced PS4 Game, Confirms LinkedIn Profile

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Cory Barlog, God of War (PS4) Game Director in April 2018 confirmed that there is no DLC content planned for God of War (PS4), and since then we haven’t heard anything from him. So what is the next thing the development team at Sony Santa Monica is working on? Koray Hagen’s LinkedIn Profile answers this query to some extent. Koray Hagen is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Santa Monica Studio.

God of War PS4 Developer Working On Unannounced PS4 Game

Koray updated the summary section of his LinkedIn Profile with a text: “Unannounced (PS4)” under Contribution sub-section. The next entry in this sub-section is God of War (PS4). You guys can check out the screenshot of it below. If we take into consideration the Cory’s April 2018 statement on God of War (PS4) DLC and this updated LinkedIn Profile of Koray then it is pretty clear that the development team at Sony Santa Monica has started working on their next project for PlayStation 4, and there is very much a possibility that this unannounced project is a sequel to God of War (PS4).



With multiple reports of PlayStation 5 small reveal taking place at the start of 2019 and a full reveal at PlayStation Experience 2019 (as Sony won’t make an appearance at E3 2019), don’t be surprised if a sequel to God of War (PS4) gets reveal at the time.

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