Wolfenstein: Youngblood – How To Get More Shared Lives

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In Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the cooperative nature of the game is a pretty pure experience. As the saying goes, you are only as good as your weakest link, and in this game, both players share a pool of lives. This means that if one of you sucks at the game, you’ll eat through the shared lives and your better friend won’t have any. As such, it helps to know how to get more shared lives when playing the game.

How To Get More Shared Lives

Shared Lives Crate One

You can get Shared Lives from specials crates that can be found in levels. These crates come in two different types. The first type is a crate that can be opened by one player. They are red and grey, with a heart symbol on the front.

Shared Lives Crate Two

The second type of crate needs both players to interact with it to open. If you are playing in singleplayer, the AI-controlled character will automatically come and help you if you try and open the crate. You will need to wait until they get there, which leaves you vulnerable. If you need to let go of the crate, just hit the right CTRL button on the PC or Crouch button on the console.

The way that Shared Lives work is that you can get downed, and your partner can get to you and help you up. This will not cost you a life, and if you have the right skills, you might even get some extra health and armor when they revive you.

It is only if you bleed out that a Shared Life will be used. You will be able to get back to your feet and rejoin the fight, but the Shared Life symbol beside your sisters’ portrait on the left side of the screen will go down by one. If you run out of lives, and both get downed, then it’s a reset back to the start of the current map.

And that’s everything you need to know about how Shared Lives work in Wolfenstein: Youngblood, and how to get more of them.