Who are the voice actors in Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode Intermission?

Get to know the cast, as well as the English and Japanese voice actors.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade

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Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade upcoming Yuffie DLC will be called Episode Intermission. Alongside the name, new information on the main and supporting cast of characters was also revealed, including both their English and Japanese voice actors.

Yuffie Kisaragi

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix
Image via Behind the Voice Actors

Voiced in Japanese by Yumi Kakazu and in English by Suzie Yeung

Self-proclaimed Pretty Girl Ninja and Brilliant Materia Hunter, Yuffie is part of a specialized group known as Shinobu from Wutai. Enemies are at the mercy of her giant shuriken and agile movements. She is working to restore the vitality of her hometown after it was lost following the war with Shinra. She is currently infiltrating Midgar by secret order from the interim Wutai government.

Sonon Kusakabe

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix
Image via IMDb

Voiced in Japanese by Yoshimasa Hosoya and in English by Aleks Le

A warrior from Wutai, Sonon studied under Yuffie’s father, Godot, and learned Kenpo (martial arts) and bojutsu (staff arts). He fought in the war against Shinra at a young age and has grown up hating them. Currently is in an infiltration mission with his younger senior officer, Yuffie. He has a serious personality and kindly follows his superior, who tends to run away.

Avalanche HQ

The largest of the Avalanche forces who carries out anti-Shinra activities under the Cosmo Canyon teachings. Unlike Barret’s branch cell sector, which uses more radical methods such as blowing up Mako Reactors, HQ is working to free Midgar from Shinra Company while still protecting civilians. They’ve joined the effort to steal the Ultimate Materia to build a relationship with the interim Wutai government.


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix
Image via voice123

Voiced in Japanese by Akira Igarashi and in English by Griffin Puatu

A Wutain living in Midgar, Zhijie is in charge of liaison between the interim Wutai government and Avalanche HQ. He’s easily survived this far due to his fast mouth and faster legs. He welcomes Yuffie to Midgar and guides her through the Sector Seven slums.


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix
Image via IMDb

Voiced in Japanese by Akane Fujita and in English by Ashley Boettcher

Nayo is a member of Avalanche HQ who was born in the slums. She infiltrated the Sector Seven slums to keep an eye on the branch cell sector. She’s supporting the joint operation at the request of the interim Wutai government and prepared the fake IDs that Yuffie and her team needs to infiltrate the Plate.

Billy Bob

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix

Voiced in Japanese by Kenichi Hoshino and in English by David Goldstein

Billy Bob is a member of Avalanche HQ who was also born in the slums. The most experienced team member who infiltrated the Sector Seven slums is unpretentious and has an easygoing and carefree personality. He’s a heavy drinker who’s never inebriated no matter how much he drinks and gathers information through taverns.


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix
Image via IMDb

Voiced in Japanese by Nobuyori Sagara and in English by Daniel Amerman

Polk is a member of Avalanche HQ who was also born in the slums. A young and naive man, he also infiltrated the Sector Seven slums. He’s considered everyone’s little brother and is both doted on and teased by the others. Besides the mission he’s involved with, he’s also enthusiastic about the popular game Condor Fort.

Weiss (Deepground)

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Image via Square Enix
Image via IMDb

Voiced in Japanese by Jouji Nakata and in English by Daman Mills

Known as the pure white emperor, he controls the secret underground experimentation facility Deepground within Shinra. He has superhuman fighting abilities and is charismatic, but is also violent and extremely brutal. Due to his strength, he’s currently restrained at the throne in the deepest area of the facility when not being experimented on. He silently waits for a chance to rebel against his inhumane restraint.