Where to dance at Rainbow Rentals, Beach Bus, Lake Canoe in Fortnite: Battle Royale

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As part of the 8-Ball Vs. Scratch mission in Fortnite, you will need to dance at Rainbow Rentals, Beach Buss, and Lake Canoe. All these locations are Landmarks, so they are not marked on the map. We know where they all are and have marked them on the map below for you.

Rainbow Rentals, Beach Bus, Lake Canoe Locations

  • RR – Rainbow Rentals
  • LC – Lake Canoe
  • BB – Beach Bus

Rainbow Rentals

Rainbow Rentals can be found on the coast, to the southwest of Holly Hedges. It is right on the beach, so drop straight down on the edge of the water. It is comprised of some small buildings, so dance outside them and you are good to go.

Lake Canoe

Lake Canoe can be found to the north of Retail Row. Land on the small island in the middle of the lake, then dance to finish this section.

Beach Bus

Beach Bus can be found to the north of the map, at the lip of a cove to the west of Steamy Stacks. The bus is the only thing of prominence here, so dance outside it, and you are done with the challenge.

You don’t need to dance at all these locations in one match, so feel free to spread it out over as many matches as you like. None of the areas are particularly busy, even with the challenge underway, so you shouldn’t be at too much risk while you are busting a move.

The rest of the 8-Ball Vs. Scratch challenges can be found below: