When will the Sony Future of Gaming rescheduled event happen?

Sony will take a step back amid the current protests.

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Sony made a surprise announcement regarding delaying the Future of Gaming event where it had planned to share gameplay footage of PlayStation 5 games. The original Future of Gaming live steam was meant to air on June 4.

The event has been delayed due to the numerous protests taking place in the United States and other parts of the world surrounding the death of George Floyd. He died when officers arrested and pinned him down with one of the officers using their knee on his neck to hold him in place.

At this time, Sony has not detailed when the event will be rescheduled and take place. Given how sudden the event has been postponed and how much advertising Sony has placed into the protect (it has already showcased advertisements on ESPN), it won’t be too long. It will likely happen within two weeks, probably during the latter portion of June, or close to the end of the month.

When the event does occur, you will be able to view it through the traditional methods the Sony offered initially. These locations include YouTube and Twitch. Given how little information some of the developers had received before the original event was announced, set to happen on June 4, it’s unlikely many of them will know when the new event will take place in the future.

For now, Sony has decided to take a step back to respect the current political environment developing in numerous locations. Sony will continue to update its community about how viewers can learn more.