When is the best time to stream on Twitch? Answered

Get the most out of your stream time.

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When it comes to growing your viewership base while streaming on Twitch, you need to consider a lot of things. First, what content is going to draw people in and keep them watching, and then planning to set yourself up for the most success. One of the best ways to set yourself up to grow your audience is to stream at times when you have the most potential for people to watch. Here is the best time to stream on Twitch.

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When should you stream on Twitch?

When creating your content schedule for Twitch, deciding when and what to stream is pretty crucial. You want to be available during peak viewing times, which generally is between 11 AM CT and 5 PM CT. This typically is when the most amount people will be looking for someone to watch either while on break or enjoying their day off. Too much earlier and people will be working or sleeping and any later they will be getting dinner and settling down for the night. Some people will also get some very late night viewing in as they try to sleep.

In general, whenever you decide to aim to stream, we recommend trying to be as consistent as possible with your timing. The best way to build an audience is to have a schedule they know they can rely on and continually come back to. Try to stream for at least two hours per stream around the same time and this should help viewers know they can return regularly when they have available time.

Of course, there are other factors to keep in mind. For example, if you stream during a time a lot of other streams are happening in a category, you have more competition. That being said, you likely will have a chance for more viewers in a popular or viral game. Find a system and schedule that works best for you and stick to it.