What Time Does Xur Come And Where Is Xur in Destiny 2 – Nov 23 2018

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It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and Xur is here with some fresh turkeys for us to buy. The wiggly faced trader from beyond the Void brings rare items and cool gubbins. Xur no longer shows up on the in-game map though, nor is he tied to the Flashpoints, so we tracked him down for you. You asked “where is Xur?”, now allow us to tell you.

Where Is Xur

This week, you can find Xur at the Winding Cove on the EDZ.

What Time Does Xur Come And Where Is Xur in Destiny 2 - Nov 23 2018
EDZ Lost SectorsTL;DR Games • Fair Use

What Is Xur Selling

This week, Xur is selling his usual stock of an armor item for each class, and a weapon. All these items are Exotics. Xur is also selling a Fated Engram and the Five of Swords.

Suros Regime – Auto Rifle

Suros Regime
Suros RegimeTL;DR Games • Fair Use

Karnstein Amulets – Warlock Gauntlets

Karnstein Amulets
Karnstein AmuletsTL;DR Games • Fair Use

Wormhusk Crown – Hunter Helmet

Wormhusk Crown
Wormhusk CrownTL;DR Games • Fair Use

Armamentarium – Titan Chest Armor

ArmamentariumTL;DR Games

What Should You Buy?

Oh, Xur. Bit of a damp squib week from the mysterious trader, if I am honest. Suros Regime doesn’t really stand up against other Auto Rifles in the game, and you would be much better off using a decent roll on something like a Tigerspite, and saving your Exotic slot for something else. Karnstein Amulets can be a lot of fun in PvP it has to be said, it is fun to slap duel a guy and then heal back to full health after you kill him. They can also lead to some pretty clutch moments when some unexpected health can turn the tide of a 1v2 fight.

Wormhusk Crown feels a little odd for hunters. A health and shield boost sounds good, but the point of Hunters is to be so fast that things shouldn’t be able to hit you anyway. Positioning and angle are the keys for Hunters, and doubling down on that is the way to go in my opinion. Finally, the Armamentarium, which manages to marry two significant downsides, ugliness and pointlessness.

That is it for Xur this week! If you need help with other aspects of Destiny 2, be sure to check out our Guide Hub.