What Time Does Xur Come And Where Is Xur in Destiny 2 – Dec 21 2018

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It’s the end of the week, and the last Xursday before Christmas, which brings Xur slinking out of the Void with things to sell. The wiggly faced trader from beyond the Void brings rare items and cool gubbins. Xur no longer shows up on the in-game map though, nor is he tied to the Flashpoints, so we tracked him down for you. You asked “where is Xur?”, now allow us to tell you.

Where Is Xur

This week, you can find Xur in the Tower, behind the space where the emo kids of Dead Orbit hang out.

Tower Map
Tower MapTLDRGames • Fair Use

What Is Xur Selling

This week, Xur is selling his usual stock of an armor item for each class, and a weapon. All these items are Exotics. Xur is also selling a Fated Engram and the Five of Swords.

Merciless – Energy Fusion Rifle

MercilessTL;DR Games • Fair Use

Knucklehead Radar – Hunter Helmet

Knucklehead Radar
Knucklehead RadarTL;DR Games • Fair Use

Aeon Safe – Titan Gauntlets

Aeon Safe
Aeon SafeTL;DR Games • Fair Use

Apotheosis Veil – Warlock Helmet

Apotheosis Veil
Apotheosis VeilTL;DR Games • Fair Use

What Should You Buy?

The Merciless is undoubtedly worth grabbing if you don’t already have it. Somewhat superb at blitzing down yellow bar enemies, it’s a good weapon in a good class. Knucklehead Radar can be strong in PvP, allowing Hunters always to have radar, even when aiming down sights. Aoen Safe is almost entirely outclassed by a host of other Titan Exotics. Meanwhile, the Apotheosis Veil can act as a bit of a battery for your team, so might be worth your time, depending on your team’s tactics.

All in all, it has to be said, a disappointing week for Xur this time out. No Christmas surprises to be found, it is pretty clear the Xur is a bit of a grinch!

That is it for Xur this week! If you need help with other aspects of Destiny 2, be sure to check out our Guide Hub.