What does Copium mean? Copium meaning, explained

They’re clearly high on copium.

Image via 4chan

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Copium is a popular satirical term, often seen in Twitch chats and on Reddit, that has a long history in politics, sports, and gaming. It is an interesting and funny way of expressing that someone is lying to themselves and applying flawed logic in their reasoning. Though the term was first created in 2002 by rapper Keak da Sneak, it has become a popular part of internet culture during the 2020 American presidential election, as both sides of the political spectrum were using the term to attack each other.

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What does Copium mean on Twitch and Reddit

Copium is a combination of two words: cope (the process of trying to get over something) and opium (a drug). The word “cope” has been used for a while to attack people that reach incorrect conclusions through irrational thought processes. When this happens, you would usually say that they are coping with their situation.

By creating the word “copium,” the term becomes satirical in the fact that users compare the act of coping with a drug. It points to it being similar to opium which is needed by some people to survive and is addictive.

It is most often used to tell someone that their rationalization for their various low points or defeats is flawed, as their arguments are usually extreme and nonsensical. This is why the term is really popular in politics, sports, and gaming, as you can say that someone is “on that copium” when they find extreme reasons for their loss.

The term has seen its rise to popularity after the 2020 American election as left-leaning citizens used it often to make fun of right-leaning voters that couldn’t accept the results. After that, it has been often used in Twitch chats when a streamer lost a game and found extreme reasons for their loss, other than lack of skill.