The top 10 best Water-type Pokémon of all time, ranked

There is a large pool of Water-type Pokémon out there, but here are our top 10.

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Water-type Pokémon have always been popular defensive picks, as their only weaknesses are Electric and Grass-type moves, the latter of which is easily countered by Ice-type moves that many Water-type Pokémon are able to learn. Before we move on to a new generation of Water-types, we’ve put together a list of the best of the best. Here are the top 10 Water-type Pokémon of all time.

Related: The top 10 best Fire-type Pokémon of all time, ranked

10. Kingdra

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With Swift Swim making it a staple fast sweeper in Gen 3, Kingdra quickly became popular in Rain teams as its Dragon typing made it take normal damage from Grass and Electric-type moves, the Water-type’s usual weaknesses. Even after Fairy types were introduced, Kingdra still only had two weaknesses, one of which it could easily counter with its own Dragon-type moves. Its 540 total stats are no joke either, and its well-rounded base stats meant that it had many offensive options available as it could excel in both physical and special attacks.

9. Swampert

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Swampert is a Water and Ground-type Pokémon, which completely negates Water’s weakness to Electric-type moves, though it does come with a hefty 4x weakness to Grass-type moves. Back in Gen 3, it vastly outmatched the other Water-Ground types available at that time in terms of total base stats, making it the go-to pick for an offensive Water-type. Its offensive stats skew towards Attack, and while its base Speed is nothing to write home about, its bulk and well-rounded move pool made it a very versatile threat. Its Mega Evolution gave it the Swift Swim ability and kicked its base Attack up to a whopping 150, turning it into the core of many Rain-focused teams.

8. Milotic

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A fan favorite since Gen 3, the grind to find the Feebas tiles on Route 119 was made worth it by the sheer bulk Milotic brought to a team. In Gen 4, the Flame Orb held item was added, turning Marvel Scale Milotic into an absolute beast, as the Burn status effect meant that Milotic could not be Frozen, Poisoned, Paralyzed, or put to Sleep. It even has Recover to sustain itself, making it hard to remove from the field unless you brute force it into fainting.

7. Toxapex

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As Poison-Water type, Toxapex has a jaw-dropping 8 resistances, to Fighting, Fairy, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water, and Ice-type moves. With 152 Defense and 142 Sp. Defense, Toxapex immediately became a popular defensive pick during its debut in Gen 6. It even gets Recover, which when combined with Regenerator and Leftovers, can make it one tough Pokémon to kill.

6. Azumarill

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Azumarill, now a Water and Fairy-type as of Gen 6, has immunity to Dragon-type moves and resistance against Dark and Fighting-type moves, making it extremely hard to get off the field due to its sheer bulk. Its ability Huge Power doubles its Attack, turning it into a physical sweeper under the right circumstances. All in all, the Fairy typing does Azumarill justice, working well alongside its original Water typing to allow it to shine as a bulky offensive pick.

5. Dracovish

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We are back with another Water-Dragon dual type. This fishy fossil packs a huge punch with Fishious Rend, its signature move. While at an impressive base power of 85, the move’s power is doubled when Dracovish moves first, or when an opponent switches in during the move, meaning that it can reach 170 base power. And that is before the boost from its Strong Jaw ability and type bonuses. If you need an offensive Water-type to brute force your way to victory, this is the Pokémon for you.

4. Tapu Fini

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Another Water-Fairy type on our list, the legendary Tapu Fini boasts impressive defensive stats, with 115 Defense and 130 Sp. Defense. Its typing and bulk make it an especially good counter against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting types. With its ability to bring in Misty Terrain, it is an excellent support against Dragon-type moves and status effects. Being part Water-type also means that it takes normal damage from Steel-type moves instead of the usual 2x. Overall, it is a great defensive pick, effectively stopping many popular Dragon-type Pokémon in their tracks while dealing some hefty damage.

3. Gyarados

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A staple since the first Pokémon games, Gyarados is a Water and Flying-type Pokémon, skewing towards a physical sweeper, especially after Dragon Dance was introduced in Gen 3. Unfortunately, such power comes at a price, as Gyarados suffers from a 4x weakness to Electric-type moves. If well set up, however, Gyarados turns into an unstoppable force of nature, punishing Electric-types hoping to capitalize on its weakness with a brutal Earthquake. Its Mega Evolution turned it into a Water-Dark type, and while its Speed remained the same, it now had a whopping 155 Attack and Mold Breaker, allowing it to hit Electric-type Pokémon with the Levitate ability.

2. Greninja

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Immediately taking the Gen 6 meta by storm upon its debut, Greninja packs a punch with its Hidden Ability, Protean, and its astoundingly high Speed stat of 122. Its high Sp. Attack stat makes it a choice fast offensive pick in many teams, and Protean means that it would take on the type of every move it used, which could be utilized both offensively and defensively in battle. Its Same Type Attack Bonus boosted Ice Beam can come close to KOing many popular Dragon-type Pokémon, and its massive move pool makes it an extremely unpredictable opponent.

1. Kyogre

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Already considered a top-notch Water-type before it got a new Primal form, Kyogre is the Water-type. With its Drizzle ability providing support for its extensive move pool and setting the stage for Rain teams, Kyogre’s massive Sp. Def and Sp. Attack make it a force to deal with. Fellow Water-type Pokémon will have to deal with a powerful Thunder attack that will not miss due to the rain, and once it gets a Calm Mind or two set up, it becomes a literal wall with fins.