The Best Minecraft Kitchen ideas, designs, and concepts

The soul of every home.

Screengrab via AmyYeah’s YouTube

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A kitchen is one of the most vital parts of any home, so it’s essential to design it properly. Fortunately, there are few constraints in the Minecraft universe, and you can experiment with a variety of kitchen ideas. Hence, we have listed the best kitchen ideas, designs, and concepts that players can utilize in Minecraft.

Gothic Kitchen

Screengrab via BigBadBam’s YouTube

A gothic kitchen design in Minecraft is all about dark and moody details. You can use dark oak wood or obsidian blocks for the walls and floor, add ornate fixtures, and a knife stand for a gothic touch. Use wooden cabinets and add some candles or other eerie accessories for a final touch.

Modern Kitchen

Screengrab via BlenDigi’s YouTube

A modern kitchen, complete with all luxuries, is what everyone desires. Its sleek design is mainly made of white concrete with a hint of andesite blocks. If needed, you can create a contrast by using Redstone or Nether blocks.

Related: 8 Cool Minecraft house ideas

Medieval Kitchen

Screengrab via MCram’s YouTube

You can build a medieval kitchen if you want to diverge away from a modern-looking one. This might not be as polished as the modern kitchen, but it’s still aesthetically pleasing. The walls in the medieval kitchen are mainly made of andesite, whereas the furniture is completely made from wood. You can also hang fire torches to complete the medieval look.

Mediterranean Kitchen

Image via u/BigWoku on Reddit

A Mediterranean kitchen in Minecraft is a vibrant and colorful option that adds warmth and life to your virtual world. It has a ceiling made of wood, and while the walls seem fairly plain, you can use terracotta blocks for the floor and walls instead. These blocks are available in warm and earthy tones, from sandy beige to rich burgundy.

Open Kitchen

Screengrab via MCram’s YouTube

Although the concept of cooking outside is nothing new, you can take it to a whole new different level in Minecraft. This is a perfect kitchen for outdoor lovers and those who like to cook under the bright, blue sky. That said, you might want to add a roof to the kitchen when the rainy or winter season arrives.

Royal Kitchen

Image via u/Lord_Omen on Reddit

Royal Kitchen is all about luxury and delivering an elegant dining experience. It is big in size and contains all the royal amenities one would expect from a kitchen of this prestige. It also has a chandelier in the center, giving it a fancy touch.

Rustic Kitchen

Screengrab via Almond Goo’s YouTube

A cute and pleasant choice for your Minecraft world is a rustic kitchen. Use wooden planks and logs to make a space feel cozy and welcoming. To complete the appearance, add a wooden table and chairs. You can also build a stone chimney for more variation in the design.

Simple Kitchen

Screengrab via Nerdak’s YouTube

If you do not want a flashy kitchen with tons of equipment and gadgets, a simple kitchen might be the best for you. It isn’t hard to build but has all the necessary amenities that a regular kitchen has, and it also utilizes fewer resources than other kitchen designs mentioned on the list.

Traditional Kitchen

Image via u/robotthunder500 on Reddit

This design is the most realistic and matches what a kitchen looks like nowadays. It has a stove, oven, exhaust chimney, and enough space to keep all the condiments. It is a neat design and will always make you feel at home.

Wooden Kitchen

Screengrab via SwiftFoxy’s YouTube

A kitchen built entirely out of wood might not be the most optimal in real, but it definitely works in Minecraft. Not only it’s effortless to make, but the materials required are also minimal. In a few places, you’ll have to use stone blocks for building a stovetop, but for the most part, it’s entirely made out of wood. You can also use spruce wood instead of regular one to make the entire build fancier.