The 10 best husbandos in Fire Emblem Engage

The men in Engage you want to spend time with.

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Fire Emblem Engage has a large cast with many unique male characters. While that is nothing new for the Fire Emblem series, there are a new set of personalities that may endear you to a particular man. These males may be fictional, but you still can’t help but wonder what life would be like if you were able to spend time with them.

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Everyone has their own preferences and opinions about what they look for in a man. But you might have a problem picking out your favorites or wondering why one man stands out over others. Here is a list of the 10 best husbandos in Fire Emblem Engage who would make great companions to spend time with.

10) Vander

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Vander may be one of the oldest of the main cast, but that doesn’t impede his good qualities in any way. His time serving the Divine Dragon means he is good at housework, such as cooking and cleaning. He’s also a good teacher, pointing Framme and Clanne in the right direction when they struggle in their steward duties. Some of the younger men might overshadow his combat skills, but there’s no one more reliable when it comes to taking care of others.

9) Pandreo

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Pandreo is part of the church in Solm and a retainer of Prince Fogado. While he usually looks stern and serious, the friendlier parts of his personality emerge when he is around people he likes. He is a caring brother to his younger sister Panette and is a big fan of the Divine Dragon. His high spirits when carrying out his work translate into howling like a wolf whenever he is motivated. The difference between his personality states may take some getting used to, but you will come to enjoy Pandreo’s company.

8) Seadall

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Seadall is a dancer who has traveled and seen the world and is no stranger to experiences that you won’t believe. He’s a great storyteller and enjoys working with other people whose talent he sees. For those who enjoy eating meat, you won’t find someone who rushes over to you faster than Seadall. If you are a fan of fortune-telling, Seadall’s skills are accurate enough to predict whatever you want to know. People who love traveling and eating good food won’t go wrong with picking Seadall as a companion.

7) Louis

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Louis is a knight of Firene and one of Princess CĂ©line’s retainers. He is a gentle soul who rarely opens his eyes but is very perceptive of others. If you listen to Louis, there is a good chance you will learn something about another person that you didn’t expect. He will also strive to ensure that you are satisfied with his work as much as possible, such as drinking a good cup of tea. Unless you are a giant mass of evil, you won’t find someone more generous with his compliments than Louis.

6) Boucheron

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Boucheron is a knight of Firene and one of Prince Alfred’s retainers. While his outfits don’t show much of it, Boucheron has incredible muscle growth that seems to come naturally. Both men and women alike are interested in his muscles that come from seemingly simple activities or genetics. But don’t let the giant figure fool you, Boucheron is unafraid of showing his emotions and shedding a tear for people he can relate to. For someone you can sit down and share your emotions with, Boucheron is your man.

5) Amber

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Amber is a former alpaca farm boy turned knight, and one of Prince Diamant’s retainers. He is often excited about becoming a legend and having his name written in history books. It might seem like delusions of grandeur, but Amber is passionate about what he does and never forgets his roots. Full of energy and always willing to give his best to be remembered, there won’t be a dull moment with Amber around.

4) Diamant

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The crown prince of Brodia and the man everyone looks up to, Diamant, lives up to his reputation. His combat skills are renowned, and many in Brodia look to his leadership. Despite his flawless reputation, he is unafraid to admit that he has weaknesses, though he doesn’t like showing all of them. Even with his minor flaws, Diamant has a flawless reputation for a reason, and it’s hard to believe he can fail at anything.

3) Bunet

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Bunet is a knight of Solm and one of Prince Fogado’s retainers. He’s a fantastic cook who knows his way around the kitchen. He’s not reliant on being a one-dish expert and knows how to make various meals, suitable for a three-course dinner. While he once competed for the title of the best chef in Solm, he is happy that people enjoy his cooking. If you are a big foodie and love to eat, Bunet stands out among every other male character.

2) Fogado

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Fogado is the prince of Solm and the captain of the Sentinels. He is fun-loving and never skips out on the theatrics when speaking to others. Behind that fun-loving exterior is a man who knows how to take his duty seriously and will do what is best for his country. Fogado knows how to strike the right balance between work and play, always doing his best to look out for others, even if they are strangers.

1) Rosado

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Rosado is Princess Hortensia’s friend from her academy and one of her retainers. Don’t let the cute exterior and attention to fashion fool you, as Rosado is a powerful fighter in his own right. A fan of everything cute, he works to make sure he stands above all when it comes to cuteness. He is also an accomplished artist and can draw excellent portraits of you. Don’t be surprised if your heart is stolen because Rosado is not a man who backs down from a cuteness challenge.