The 10 best games to play like Vampire Survivors

Taking on swarms of enemies of every shape and size.

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Getting into roguelites like Vampire Survivors is a dangerous business. Not just because they can be difficult games to complete, but there are just so many of them available to try. As soon as you finish one, there are three more available at the top of your wishlist. If you’re looking for your next game in this popular genre, here are some more games to play like Vampire Survivors to sink your teeth into.

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The best games like Vampire Survivors – our top 10 picks

Vampire Survivors is a hectic and chaotic rougelite, offering wild action as you try to avoid the hordes of enemies that swarm you while your powers activate on set timers. It is a peculiar mechanic that sets it apart from most roguelites and has inspired other developers to experiment with new ways of spicing up the roguelite genre. Some of these games share this mechanic while others have a more traditional setup. Either way, they are great games to play to get your next roguelite fix.

20 Minutes Till Dawn

Image via flanne

If you thought Vampire Survivors had an old-school aesthetic, wait till you get a look at 20 Minutes Till Dawn. This game harkens even further back into gaming history for its look, but it is a decidedly updated gameplay experience. This twin-stick shooter is great for players who are looking to be a bit more proactive in their attack patterns, unleashing their powers when they choose rather than when their cooldown has happened.


Image via TreeFortress Games

Fight undead with the power of music in this roguelite game. Not only do you need to avoid getting hit by the seemingly endless waves of monsters that attack, but you also have to prevent them from reaching the left side of the screen, adding an extra layer of panic to an already stressful game. The design here is fun and playful even if the gameplay can be brutal at times. Playing as a bard, you summon new allies in the middle of a fight or use musical notes to activate special abilities at opportune times. Everything you loved about Vampire Survivors with a more modern look.

The Binding of Isaac

Image via Nintendo

This title skews away from Vampire Survivors’ formula in favor of a more traditional roguelite experience, but it is close enough that fans who haven’t picked it up yet will find something to enjoy. This indie darling has been ported and remastered for nearly every console and platform and has won countless awards over the years, but all the hype is well deserved. It is creepy, difficult, and tons of fun, all hallmarks of the roguelite genre.

Boneraiser Minions

Image via Caiysware

Gather up your undead minions and attempt to escape the graveyard in this Vampire Survivors-inspired game. The mechanics are all there to fill the void in your roguelite life, but this title plays out much faster than any of the other games on this list. Enemies will come at you fast and furious, leaving you with just moments to react or face oblivion. It is a difficult game to complete but the graphics, sound, and gameplay are all similar enough to Vampire Survivors that you’ll keep coming back for more.


Image via Bread Machine Games

Despite the similarities in their gameplay, Deathstate didn’t copy anything from Vampire Survivors. In fact, it came out a full six years earlier, combining the auto-fire mechanic with a more cartoony design that feels more playful than terrifying. Unlock new characters, explore the massive levels, and die over and over again on your way to victory.


Image via Kay Yu on

If you’re a fan of VTubers, and statistically you probably are, then this is the game for you. Taking the formula of a roguelite title and swapping the undead swarms with VTuber icons. All the characters are based on the popular Hololive group, with weapons and attacks that are based on their branding. For VTuber fans, this is a great pick as not only is it full of in-jokes you’ll love but it is also free on You’ve got nothing to lose and hours of fun to gain.

Just King

Image via VISH

This game sees players hiring warriors to protect their king as he travels through increasingly chaotic levels. Each hireling fires a different weapon in a different direction, meaning that unit placement is almost as important as what weapon they wield. Each run has the potential to unlock new powers, with the intention that you get a little bit better each time. You’ll get frustrated often, but only until you find the right combination to get you through to the end before you do it all over again.

Project Lazarus

Image via Terapoly

In many ways, Project Lazarus is the most blatant clone of Vampire Survivors. The gameplay is almost the exact same, after all. However, it is innovative in one way. It offers a massive graphical upgrade, playing out with 3D graphics rather than the top-down view that dominates the genre. It certainly feels different due to this innovation, but the heart of what made Vampire Survivors fun is still there.

Spirit Hunters

Image via Creature Cauldron

Spirit Hunters is probably the closest to a direct clone of Vampire Survivors as you’ll find on this list. It has some key differences, like the attack patterns of the abilities and the addition of a pet mechanic, though it is close enough that you’ll easily pick up the changes. The biggest difference here is the aesthetic, which is more cel-shaded and modern than the old-school 16-bit look of Vampire Survivors. Spirit Hunters is perfect for fans who want a slightly more modern feeling experience.

Synthetik: Arena

Image via Flow Fire Games

This game is set up similarly to Vampire Survivors, with a top-down view and waves of enemies threatening to swarm you at any given moment. However, it is a brutal, unforgiving game where even the slightest mistake can lead to your unceremonious death. If you played Vampire Survivors and wish it was slightly more difficult, this is the game for you.