Teamfight Tactics – All Champions And Abilities Guide

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Teamfight Tactics is out of beta, and a whole host of changes has occurred. Origins are gone, replaced by Elements. Lots of the Champions you may have used got replaced by new warriors, hungry for auto-resolved battle. In this guide, we will run through all the Champions in the game, their abilities, and their tier. Please note, the tier, in this case, means cost in-game, not their overall effectiveness or worth to strategy.

The list is broken up by Tier, which equates to how much Gold it takes to get a Champion, and when they start to appear in the game. Each entry shows the Champion name, followed by their Element, Class, and Ability.

Teamfight Tactics – All Champions and Abilities

Tier 1


  • Inferno
  • Assassin
  • Flame Cascade: Diana shields herself for a few seconds and creates three flame orbs that orbit her. Orbs explode when they contact an enemy, dealing damage.


  • Woodland
  • Druid
  • Triggerseed: Ivern shields the lowest-health ally for a few seconds.


  • Poison
  • Predator
  • Living Artillery: Kog’Maw launches acid that damages a random enemy.


  • Woodland
  • Druid
  • Sap Magic (passive): When an enemy spell damages Maokai, his next attack heals him.


  • Light
  • Warden
  • Fury of the Dawn: Nasus temporarily enrages, gaining bonus health and damaging adjacent enemies each second for the duration.


  • Electric
  • Warden
  • Lightning Breath: Ornn breathes lightning in a cone in front of him, damaging enemies and increasing their chance to be critically struck for the next few seconds.


  • Desert
  • Berserker
  • Cull the Meek: Renekton damages adjacent enemies and heals himself for each enemy hit.


  • Mountain
  • Mage
  • Seismic Shove: Taliyah erupts the ground under a random enemy, knocking them toward her if ranged, or away if melee.


  • Light
  • Ranger
  • Silver Bolts (Passive): Vayne passively deals bonus true damage every third attack based on the enemy’s maximum health.


  • Ocean
  • Mage
  • Drain: Vladimir damages a target enemy, healing himself for the damage dealt.


  • Glacial
  • Predator
  • Infinite Duress: Warwick pounces onto the lowest-health enemy, stunning and damaging them. Applies on-hit effects.


  • Inferno
  • Summoner
  • Rampant Growth: Zyra spawns two untargetable Flame Spitters on random hexes at the edge of the arena, which attacks the nearest enemy.

Tier 2


  • Glacial
  • Warden
  • Unbreakable: Braum raises his shield toward the furthest enemy, reducing incoming damage from that direction and blocking projectiles.


  • Light
  • Berserker
  • Counter-Strike: Jax gains a 100 percent dodge chance for the next few seconds, then briefly stuns and damages adjacent enemies.


  • Woodland
  • Assassin, Mage
  • Ethereal Chain: Leblanc sends a chain toward the nearest enemy, stunning and damaging them after a delay.


  • Shadow
  • Summoner
  • Shadow Swarm: Malzahar creates a portal that spawns minions. More star levels, more minions.


  • Woodland
  • Druid
  • Blooming Burst: Neeko throws a seed at a random enemy that explodes three times in a larger and larger radius.


  • Steel
  • Predator
  • Furious Bite: Rek’Sai bites her target, dealing true damage.


  • Crystal
  • Predator
  • Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner shields himself for a few seconds, gaining bonus attack speed while the shield holds.


  • Ocean
  • Mage
  • Hydro Sphere: Syndra conjures a Hydro Sphere at a target location that damages enemies.


  • Ocean
  • Warden
  • Deep-Sea Passage: Thresh throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies for a few seconds.


  • Inferno
  • Ranger
  • Piercing Arrow: Varus charges and fires an arrow, dealing damage to all enemies in a line.


  • Electric, Glacial
  • Berserker
  • Thunder Bite: Volibear bites his target, dealing damage. Thunder Bite instantly kills enemies below a certain amount of health, fully restoring Volibear’s mana.


  • Wind
  • Blademaster
  • Last Breath: Yasuo instantly appears next to the enemy with the most items, attacking them multiple times in rapid succession and knocking them up for the duration.

Tier 3


  • Light
  • Blademaster
  • The Arclight Blade: Aatrox slams his sword in a circle in front of him, damaging enemies hit.


  • Desert
  • Summoner
  • Arise!: Azir summons an untargetable Sand Soldier near a random enemy that attacks whenever Azir attacks.

Dr. Mundo

  • Poison
  • Berserker
  • Adrenaline Rush: Dr. Mundo spawns a toxic cloud around himself that damages adjacent enemies and heals himself for the damage dealt for several seconds.


  • Glacial
  • Ranger
  • Ice Shot: Ezreal fires a shard of ice toward the lowest-health enemy, damaging the first enemy hit and applying on-hit effects.


  • Shadow, Inferno
  • Ranger
  • Wolf’s Frenzy: Lamb tumbles away from her target while Wolf bites them, dealing damage.


  • Ocean
  • Warden
  • Depth Charge: Nautilus sends out a depth charge that seeks out the furthest enemy champion, knocking them up and stunning them for a long time.


  • Steel
  • Assassin
  • Steel Blades (Passive): Every three hits, Nocturne’s next attack is enhanced, damaging all adjacent enemies and healing him for a portion of damage dealt.


  • Inferno OR Ocean OR Mountain OR Wind
  • Assassin
  • Edge of Ixtal: Qiyana dashes to the side of her target and throws a blast of wind through them, damaging and stunning enemies it passes through.


  • Shadow
  • Berserker
  • Decimating Smash: Sion smashes an area in front of him after a delay, knocking up and damaging enemies.


  • Desert
  • Blademaster
  • Ricochet: Sivir’s attacks temporarily bounce to nearby units.


  • Light
  • Mystic
  • Equinox: Soraka temporarily calms an area around a random enemy, damaging enemies and preventing them from gaining mana while inside.


  • Shadow
  • Mage
  • Primordial Burst: Veigar blasts an enemy with magical energy, dealing damage. Instantly kills enemies at lower star levels than Veigar.

Tier 4


  • Inferno
  • Summoner
  • Tibbers!: Annie summons Tibbers onto a nearby hex. Tibbers attacks nearby enemies while active.


  • Crystal
  • Ranger
  • Ranger’s Focus: For the next few seconds, Ashe gains attack speed, and her attacks fire a flurry of arrows, dealing bonus damage.


  • Inferno
  • Mage
  • Pyroclasm: Brand launches a bouncing fireball, damaging enemies hit.


  • Wind
  • Mystic
  • Monsoon: Janna knocks back enemies in a large area and channels for a few seconds, continuously healing nearby allies.


  • Desert
  • Assassin
  • Arid Assault: Kha’Zix briefly becomes stealthed, becoming untargetable and causing his next attack to strike critically.


  • Mountain
  • Warden
  • Unstoppable Force: Malphite throws himself toward a random enemy, damaging and knocking up nearby enemies when he arrives.


  • Glacial
  • Berserker
  • Berserker Rage: For the rest of combat, Olaf gains a large amount of Attack Speed and Lifesteal for a few seconds and becomes immune to crowd control.


  • Poison
  • Ranger
  • Spray and Pray: Twitch temporarily gains infinite range, and his attacks become piercing bolts that fly through their targets to the end of the board, damaging all enemies they pass through.


  • Light
  • Summoner
  • Shepherd of Souls: Yorick blesses several of his lowest-health allies, reviving them as a Minion of Light when they die. More star levels, more targets.

Tier 5

Master Yi

  • Shadow, Mystic
  • Blademaster
  • Meditate: Master Yi becomes untargetable and significantly heals himself over a few seconds. After channeling, his attacks temporarily deal with bonus magic damage on hit.


  • Ocean
  • Mystic
  • Tidal Wave: Nami sends a massive wave toward a random enemy, damaging and knocking up enemies it passes through and granting allies it passes through bonus magic damage on hit.


  • Poison
  • Alchemist
  • Poison Trail (Passive): Singed passively leaves a poison cloud behind himself that damages enemies who stand in it.


  • Crystal
  • Warden
  • Cosmic Radiance: After a delay, Taric and all nearby allies become invulnerable for a few seconds.


  • Electric
  • Summoner, Assassin
  • Living Lightning: Zed creates an identical clone of himself behind his current target, copying his items as well. This clone can also cast Living Lightning.

Tier 7


  • Electric OR Inferno OR Glacial OR Crystal OR Wind OR Woodland OR Steel OR Ocean OR Shadow OR Light
  • There are ten copies of Lux in each game, one of each of the above elements.
  • Once you purchase one Lux, the other Luxes will become that element when you see them in your shop.
  • Avatar
  • Final Spark: Lux fires a giant laser that deals massive damage to enemies hit and restores mana based on enemies hit.