Starfield: How to Complete The Best There Is

You’ll need to sneak through the SY-920 for The Best There Is in Starfield, and this guide covers the best way to do it, quietly.

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As you work through the Crimson Fleet missions in Starfield, their requests will become more demanding, and even tougher, but it all comes down to finding a way to reach the Legacy ship. The next stop will be in The Best There Is quest, where a smuggler from New Atlantis will bring you to a secret UC space station to locate the ComSpike.

For those who want to keep their noses clean, there is a way to sneak through the entire facility without anyone knowing you were there. You’ll have to be careful, and it helps to have a few points in Stealth and Persuasion on your character. Here’s what you need to know about how to complete The Best There Is quest in Starfield.

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All The Best There Is Quest Steps in Starfield

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You can go about The Best There Is quest in several ways, such as going onto the facility, guns blazing, and making it out by taking out every UC military member on it. However, you’ll often want to sneak your way through the entire place, which will take some time. You can also complete several optional tasks that should make it much easier. The first step is to locate an Ensign Uniform in the Barracks.

Where to Find an Ensign Uniform in The Barracks in Starfield

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How you start this mission can vary. It does set the foundation for the rest of the mission at this secret research base, and I encourage you to figure out how you want to proceed forward. I chose to focus mostly on stealth and found it was a good way to complete all objectives, without causing too much destruction, which is a huge plus for Huan.

The first objective you must complete is infiltrating the barracks with your Starfield character. You can do this from the cargo hold by going down to the second level or using Persuade with the UC officer at the checkpoint. If you have Persuasian on your character, talking to the guard is a good way to walk straight into the barracks, but if you’d prefer to avoid a conversation, you can lockpick a door below you and sneak in through the vents. They’ll take you straight to the showers across the from the barracks.

I used a Digipick to slice the door and go through the vents for my playthrough. From there, I had to crouch and walk across the hallway into the barracks to grab the Ensign uniform, which I had to equip to my character to blend into the area manually.

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By finding the Ensign uniform, you’ll also track down an ID you can use on your Starfield character. You’ll need this to enter specific checkpoints and for the next area: the Command Bay. Thankfully, with your station ID, you can walk straight up to the checkpoint and go right through it. When you arrive in the Command Bay, I recommend speaking with the Intercom to talk with Huan. She’ll advise you to seek out a Clearance Code for your ID, making it easier to access the next area to learn more about the Comspike.

How to Find Information on the Comspike & Get a Clearance Code in Starfield

Before you can seek more information on the Comspike, your priority will be to track down a Clearance Code. You’ll need this to freely move around the station and avoid unwanted attention from the guards. There will be a computer near where you entered this area, behind a wall. Take a left with your Starfield character, and look for the door that says Security on it.

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Inside, there will be a Security Terminal you can use, but you’ll need to pick a Novice lock. So long as you can bypass this, you’ll be able to enter the Clearance Code Computer, and you can find a code to give to your character. For my playthrough, I picked one associated with the uniform I found, Ziremi, and selected Clearance Codes for Last Names Q-Z.

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Now, when you approach the Security Checkpoint with your Starfield character leading to the next area, you can use code ZX321D, go on through, or attempt to Persuade the guard. This will lead you to the Operations Center of the base.

You’ll follow your waypoint into the next room, avoiding everyone, so you can make it over to the Server Room. From there, you’ll find a Data Access Computer that you can use to learn more about Comspike. You can find it on the station in Engineer Bay 4, Lab #4, and the one heading up the project is Dr. Gabriel Vogel. When you’re at this computer, after reading the Project Lead and Permissions section, hit the Upgrade Security Clearance section, upgrading your ID’s clearance to access more of the facility.

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You should now have access to Engineer Bar 4, and you can freely explore this section. However, if UC Marine does stop you, you’ll need to pass the Persuade mini-game for them not to consider you hostile. It might help to have a Paramour or Hippolyta to increase your Starfield character’s Persuasion Chance for a brief period.

Once again, when you arrive in Engineering Bar 4, find an intercom near the elevators. You’ll have a chance to speak with Huan, who informs you that they’re learning the station, and you’ll have to find some way off the station. Thankfully, this works well for your character and shouldn’t be a problem for you during this Starfield mission.

How to Find the Comspike in Starfield

The final objective for this mission is to track down your prize: the Comspike. You might not know much about it at this point, but there are several available computers in this area that you can use with your Starfield character to learn about it and gather intel. The next waypoint you’ll follow will take you straight to the project leader. However, I recommend going outside his door, finding the Engineering Lab Terminal, and opening it. This is on the second floor, in the room before you meet the head of the project, Dr. Vogel.

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Inside, you’ll learn a few details about Project Comspike. By selecting the Update section, you’ll know that the Comspike is actually a ship, and it’s in Docking Bay 8. It’s being prepared for test flights, but only authorized personnel can find it. Your Starfield character does have the chance to sneak off the station and steal the entire ship.

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That means you’ll need to steal a SY-920 Docking Port Keycard, and there’s one you can find on Dr. Vogel. Your Starfield character must be very careful and quiet to steal this keycard. However, rather than stealing it, you can directly speak with Dr. Vogel and use Persuade to share that you’re one of the new test pilots. You’ll need to pass through the Persuade mini-game to complete it and earn the card. For my playthrough, I did end up Pickpocketing Dr. Vogel, as I found this choice much easier.

There is a choice for you to betray Huan, but you’ll only want to make this choice if you’re siding with the UC SysDef rather than the Crimson Fleet.

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After you’ve obtained the passwords and the keycard from Dr. Vogel, return to the main lobby area, and make your way to the back. Take a right, and you’ll find a locker room with a spare Test Pilot’s uniform on a bench that your Starfield character can wear and make their way through the security checkpoint.

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With the Pilot Uniform, you can walk up to the security checkpoint and verify that you’ve been allowed to go forward. The last thing you need to do is make it up the computers, update the flight information, and clear it for now so that your Starfield character can make a clean getaway.

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You can now board the prototype ship with the Comspike attached and fly back to the Kyrx system. Your Starfield character can update Delgado on the situation, and you’ll have the chance to prepare for your next mission with the Crimson Fleet after you’ve reported back to the UC Vigilance about your progress.