Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – All Devastated Settlement Collectibles & Where to Find Them

The Devastated Settlement is full of Collectibles in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and this walkthrough will guide you to find each one.

Devastated Settlement in Jedi Survivor

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The Devastated Settlement in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is one of the larger locations for you to explore. You’ll need to investigate it to learn more about the former High Republic Jedi, Dagan. After you’ve done that, you can return to this area to uncover the other mysteries surrounding it.

One of the tougher things to track down in this area is the collectibles. You’ll need to locate dozens of items, and they’re scattered throughout this region. This guide covers how to find all Devastated Settlement Collectibles in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Where to Find Every Devastated Settlement Collectible in Jedi: Survivor

Cal Kestis holding the legs of a flying beast in the Devastated Settlement
Screenshot by Gamepur

There are 40 Collectibles in the Devastated Settlement region. You can find these while exploring Koboh during your Jedi: Survivor playthrough. This is close to one of the other massive areas on the planet, the Derelict Dam, which has a massive amount of collectibles for you to track down.

The Devastated Settlement is a location you likely won’t explore until you get closer to the middle of the game, and even then, you’ll want to return when you acquire additional abilities by completing the game. This walkthrough guide for Jedi: Survivor should make finding the collectibles in the Devastated Settlement easier.

I found it much easier to take this area in chunks, breaking it down by the rewards I wanted to unlock in my playthrough. It was easier for me to check out this entire area, rather than doing it all at once, similar to the Derelict Dam.

You will need to track down six categories of collectibles in the Devastated Settlement. You will find: Chests, Databank entries, Force Essences, Force Tears, Seed Pods, and Treasures.

All Devastated Settlement Chest locations in Jedi: Survivor

You can find three chests in the Devastated Settlement in Jedi: Survivor. These chests contain different types of items, from Stim Caninsters to cosmetics.

Chest LocationsChest CollectionDescriptionRewards
Chest Location 1You can reach this Chest by taking the Relter to the left of the first chamber and flying across the Devastated Settlement. Before you reach the rock formation, jump from the Relter and dash to the ledge.Lightsaber Switch Harmony
Chest Location 2The second Chest is harder to find. You’ll find it at one of the taller rock formations, and you can reach it using a Relter to glide into the steam geysers to reach it. The Chest will be at the bottom of the water.Weapon Materials: Hard Leather
Chest Location 3The final Chest will be close to the top of the Devastated Settlement. Take the Relter at the Grand Courtyard, and bring it to the right, going over the middle rocky area, and to the cliffs on the right side. When you reach this area, you can slide through a small rock area and a couple of ledges to jump down. Make your way down these ledges, and use your grapple to reach the right side. The Chest will be at the end of this area.Cal’s Full Goatee and Mustache

All Devastated Settlement Databank Locations in Jedi: Survivor

There will be 15 Databank entries for you to find in the Devastated Settlement in Jedi: Survivor. Databank are collectables that are split into scannable objects and force echos. They will unlock information about planets, characters, factions, and more. You can check the information unlocked in your Databank tab.

Databank LocationDatabank CollectionDescription
Databank Location 1You can find the first Databank location in the Devastated Settlement by heading into the upper chamber next to the Meditation Point and slipping through the walls. You’ll find it in the upper area.
Databank Location 2There will be a Databank entry for you to collect in the lower ruins, closer to the entrance of the Devastated Settlement. You can reach this area by jumping down from the entrance platform on the left side.
Databank Location 3There is another Databank entry close to the entrance of the Devastated Settlement. You can find it in the upper chamber, close to the large Green Shield Door commonly seen in Jedi: Survivor and over by the Gorroco.
Databank Location 4When you reach the lower, center rock formation in the middle of the Devastated Settlement, you can find a geyser of air that BD-1 will want to scan.
Databank Location 5There is a Databank entry for you to scan on the second rock formation, which you can reach from the Relter at the Jedi: Survivor Meditation Point using the geysers of hot air.
Databank Location 6Inside the second chamber, across from the larger gap, is another Databank entry in the form of a Force Echo. You can reach it by running on the wall to your left, and crossing the way.
Databank Location 7This Databank entry will be in the form of a Force Echo, and you can find it next to the Koboh Laser at the top of the ledge, where you’ll find the third chamber in this region before you reach the top of the Devastated Settlement in Jedi: Survivor.
Databank Location 8For the next Databank entry, you’ll need to access the Force Essence at this location and bypass the Koboh Matter. Once you’ve done that, you can find it to the right of that Force Essence.
Databank Location 9You can find a Databank entry at the center of the Grand Courtyard in Jedi: Survivor, on the left side of the training area.
Databank Location 10There will be a Databank entry on the outside of the Grand Courtyard area that you can scan. Wiggle along the side of the house to find it, on the left side.
Databank Location 11Inside the building at the Grand Courtyard, when you reach the top and jump down into it, there’s a Force Echo that you can find on the left side.
Databank Location 12While exploring the hallways in the Grand Courtyard building, there will be several broken shelves on the ground. BD-1 will scan this and show that you can’t find a way forward from this location.
Databank Location 13There is a Databank entry you will need to find inside the Grand Courtyard that is a part of the Jedi: Survivor main story, and there is nothing you can miss.
Databank Location 14Further into the building at the Grand Courtyard, in the back, there is an object BD-1 can scan that’s sitting on the bookshelves.
Databank Location 15This Databank entry will be close to the bottom of the Devastated Settlement. You can reach this area by heading to the Grand Courtyard and taking the Relter down to the left side. There will be a small cavern you can explore in this area, and the Databank will be a scannable wall that BD-1 can look over.

All Devastated Settlement Force Essence Locations in Jedi: Survivor

There are five Force Essences for you to locate in the Devastated Settlement in Jedi: Survivor. Force Essences make Cal more powerful by increasing his Maximum Health or granting Perks and Force Points.

Force Essence LocationForce Essence CollectionDescriptionRewards
Force Essence Location 1You can find this Force Essence inside the second chamber, after you cross the Devastated Settlement gap. It will be inside the chamber, on the far side, close to Databank location 6 while playing Jedi: Survivor.Force Points increase
Force Essence Location 2There will be a Force Essence closer to the start of the Devastated Settlement. You’ll need to grab the Koboh Orb from this area, bring it down to the main arena, and then drag it to the side, where you will find the lower ruins with a Databank entry. Drop it down, and follow it, and bring it into the Koboh Conduit at the center of the room. This will reveal a hidden room with the Force Essence inside it.Precision Perk
Force Essence Location 3This Force Essence is available at the end of the Devastated Settlement, in the third area. You can find it by reaching the third chamber and placing the Koboh Orb inside the conduit, close to the waterfall. It will fire out a Koboh Laser outside of the chamber, and you can use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder to create a path to the nearby Koboh Matter blocking your path, revealing the Force Essence and expanding your stats in Jedi: Survivor.Health Increase
Force Essence Location 4The next Force Essence is at the top of the Grand Courtyard building. Head back inside, and go into the training grounds at the center. You should find a rope that will take you to the roof, and then turn to the left to jump up onto the vines. This will take you to the section of a destroyed tower, and the Force Essence will be up there.Marksmanship Perk
Force Essence Location 5The final Force Essence is for the High Republic Chamber of Ambidexterity. You can unlock this area by aiming the Koboh Laser from the third settlement down into this chamber, from across the entire Devastated Settlement. After you’ve lined it up, return to the chamber and use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder to light a fire from the Koboh Laser to the Koboh matter, and unlock the chamber.Ambidexterity Perk

All Devastated Settlement Force Tear Locations in Jedi: Survivor

You only need to find one Force Tear in the Devastated Settlement in Jedi: Survivor. Force Tears work as challenge rooms for players who want to teste their skills and increase the total number of Skill Points they have. Completeting each challenge awards players with a Skill Point. The challenges vary from platforming sections to combat encounters.

Force Tear LocationForce Tear CollectionDescriptionRewards
Force Tear Location 1You can find this Force Tear at the top of the Devastated Settlement. You can track it down by reaching the Grand Courtyard, taking the Relter from this location to the left, and flying to the rocks, with the Jedi Chamber broken cube at the top. A Jedi: Survivor Force Tear will be inside it.Skill Point

All Devastated Settlement Seed Pod Locations in Jedi: Survivor

There are seven Seed Pods for you to locate in the Devastated Settlement in Jedi: Survivor. Players interested in unlocking the Growth Spurt achievement must find all of them. You can plant these seeds in the Cantina Garden.

Seed Pod LocationSeed Pod CollectionDescription
Seed Pod Location 1You can find this Seed Pod cluster to the left of the Meditation Point, on the lower cliffs. You can safely drop down to this location.
Seed Pod Location 2This Seed Pod location is further out in the Devastated Settlement. You need to use the Relter close to the first chamber and make sure to jump off it before reaching the rock formation to climb onto the ledge.
Seed Pod Location 3You can find another Seed Pod close to the lower rock formation in the middle of the Devastated Settlement. You can reach it by taking the Relter that’s in front of the Meditation Point.
Seed Pod Locations 4 and 5There are two Seed Pods you can find at the center island in the Devastated Settlement, and they’ll be close to the Scavenger Droid.
Seed Pod Locations 6 and 7You can find two Seed Pods to the left of the Grand Courtyard. You will need to take the Relter from this platform and turn it to the left to reach this location.

All Devastated Settlement Treasure Locations in Jedi: Survivor

The Devastated Settlement has nine treasures you need to find in Jedi: Survivor. Treasures can be Priotite Shards, Scrolls, or even Datadiscs. You can trade them for cosmetic items and perks at certain vendors.

Treasure LocationTreasure CollectionDescriptionRewards
Treasure Location 1This Treasure will be inside the first chamber in the Devastated Settlement. You’ll need to grab the orb from the Koboh Laser and bring it into the chamber. Attach it to the conduit on the left side, and go through the wall. Use the cub to reach the second level next to the orb and toss it to the conduit that fires the Koboh Laser. Return to the middle of the room, use Force Push on the spinner on the right side, and bring the Koboh Laser to the far right of the room. You then need to use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder on the wall and burn away the Koboh Matter to earn the Treasure.Datadisc
Treasure Location 2The second Treasure is to the left of the first one. You need to step outside and follow the pathway towards the waterfall. You’ll see a Retler you can fly nearby and then a wall you can scale. Run across the wall, and then drop down the second wall, and reach the bottom. You’ll collect Treasure when you return, or you respawn after falling.Datadisc
Treasure Location 3You will find the Treasure closer to the entrance of the Devastated Settlement. It will be next to a Koboh Laser that you need to use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder on to destroy the Koboh Matter wall blocking your path.Datadisc
Treasure Location 4Deeper in the Devastated Settlement, you can take a Relter immediately in front of the Meditation Point to a central rock formation, and it will have a Treasure on the ground.Datadisc
Treasure Location 5In the second chamber of the Devastated Settlement, you’ll need to reach the back area. This should be exposed after you burn away the Koboh Matter. Jump through the waterfall, and there will be another Koboh Laser that you can use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder on to connect to the Koboh Matter in the room and reveal the Treasure.Datadisc
Treasure Location 6There is a second Treasure in the second chamber of the Devastated Settlement. You will need to bring the Koboh Orb from the laser at the front of the area, and Force Pull it to the ruins at the center and attach it to the laser at the bottom. Once there, use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder to connect it to the underside of the entrance, and you’ll destroy a Koboh Matter area protecting the Treasure.Datadisc
Treasure Location 7You can find the next Treasure by climbing the tallest rock in the Devastated Settlement. You can reach this location by using the two geysers at the center, and riding a Relter. When you reach the top, there’s a Scavenger Droid witTreasureeasure in hand.Datadisc
Treasure Location 8In the third chamber, close to the top of the Devastated Settlement, you can find thisTreasureeasure inside this chamber. It will be hidden in the wall behind the large cube you have to use Force Pull on to complete the area’s puzzle. You can reach this area by jumping on top of the cube, and jumping into this area.Datadisc
Treasure Location 9The final Treasure is accessible by reaching the Grand Courtyard. Head to the top of the Devastated Settlement, and then take the Retler down to the small cavern below the Force Tear. When you reach this area, the Treasure will be in the back of this room, on the right side.Datadisc

And that’s it! Check out our other Star Wars Jedi: Survivor guides below so you don’t miss any hidden secrets on your journey.

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