Shadow of the Tomb Raider Wiki | Walkthrough, Puzzle Solutions, Weapons, Outfits, & More

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Shadow of the Tomb Raider brings the new adventure of Lara Croft. This for the first time you will be playing a lot of open-world mission in the legendary city of Paititi. Along with solving the mystery of an apocalypse, Lara has to fight with a toxic group Trinity who is on a mission to reshape the world. Based on Mayan mythology Lara’s mission is to stop the unleashed apocalypse and save the world.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Wiki

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Wiki

The game is divided into different chapters as you progress you will unlock new skills, weapons, missions, etc.

  1. In The Shadows: In this first chapter, you will begin your first mission as Lara. You will learn basic movements to control the character and investigate Trinity.
  2. Hunter’s Moon: Lara will have to explore the Dig Site controlled by Trinity. You will also fight with lots of Trinity guards and unlock weapons.
  3. Rough Landing: The story continues after the planes crash, in the Jungle, you will unlock the skill section of the game and fight Jaguars.
  4. Brave Adventure: The story shifts into a flashback where you will play as young Lara and your job is to solve the White Queen puzzle.
  5. Where The Twins Confer: After getting knowledge about the ruins you will unlock a merchant.
  6. Path Of The Living: In this chapter, you will be exploring a temple and you will have to solve the puzzle to unlock three circular doors in-order to progress.
  7. Path Of The Dead: Continuing from the previous chapter Lara has to escape the ruins. A major part of this chapter is to swim through the sunken area of ruins.
  8. Path Of The Hidden City: To get to the hidden city you will have to complete three evil trials.
  9. The Hidden City: After getting to Paititi you will meet the Queen who will tell you about an artifact hidden in the mountains.
  10. Eye Of The Serpent: The objective of this mission is to find the temple, you will be facing scary cave creatures in this chapter.
  11. Empty-Handed: Somehow Lara fails to recover the Silver box that makes the Queen of the cave dwellers angry and they attack her.
  12. Rebellion Lives: Lara will try saving the Queen Unuratu, which will later tell her about Emperor’s Tomb that might have the silver box.
  13. Downpour: In this fight, Lara and Jonah are attacked by Trinity, you will have to kill a lot of soldiers in this part of the game.
  14. VIA VERITAS: After Lara learns that she is just chasing shadows she and Jonah go to Peru to know more about the silver box.
  15. Veni Vidi Perdidi & City Of The Serpent: This are the last two chapters, Lara will finally take on Dominguez and face him to save Paititi.

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